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The night of the Crescendoh launch party we all stayed up way too late.

All us girls curled up on beds…and no…there was no pillow fight.

We talked until the wee hours of the morning and had to make ourselves go to bed.

The next morning we slept in, made breakfast and talked some more….we are really good at that one!

We decided the best day would not have much of a plan and it would definitely include the beach.

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We were staying in San Clemente and headed to the nearest beach.

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We just sat in the sun for hours.

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It was so relaxing.

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It is pretty hard to beat a gentle breeze, warmth of the sun and the sound of the waves.

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My friend Shamanie (my friend I traveled with) had the wonderful idea of writing a word of something we want to be free of in the sand.

We stood in the sand and waited for the waves to come and take those words away.


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There is something so beautiful and powerful in symbolism.

I will not share the words of my sweet friends…but I will share mine.


I have a hard time forgiving when I have been hurt or betrayed.

I want to get better at this.

Letting things roll off my back easier and forgive.

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We also wrote again a word that describes what we can to hold on to…cherish…see more of.

This was my word…..

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I am blessed to be surrounded by women of such humor, depth, joy, creativity and substance.

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If the waves are taking too long..maybe it is time for a little yoga.  I love this girl.  She makes me laugh so hard all the time!

Our evening ended with with Vietnamese food.  The night started on the patio and thankfully we were moved inside.

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No girl's night out is complete without an arm wrestle..that's right…arm wrestle.

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I would like to say that Shamanie is really strong and she kind of scares the crap out of me now.

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She may look all nice and pretty…but be afraid…very afraid!

Only one more day of photos coming…and some new recipes for you gluten free girls.