My friend Lorraine Lewis is very sick.

I have not known what to do or even what to say.

With her permission I am writing to all of you today.

From the moment I heard that she had stage 4 cancer she consumes my thoughts throughout the day.

I have known Lorraine for at least 6 years.

I remember so many years ago I bought a piece of her mixed media art and I secretly told her that I did mixed media too…and someday I wanted to get up the courage to show it.

Lorraine has been light and encouragement from the moment I “met” her.

I have never met Lorraine in person but I don’t think that even matters.

 So many people in my creative circle know her and have been changed by her faith, love of family, encouragement, tenderness, joy and art.


Lorraine was the one who gently encouraged me to begin sharing my art.

I don’t even know if she remembers this.

Lorraine was born for such a time as this.

Not the cancer.

The way she has influenced the lives of others.

The light and encouragement she has always been.

The grace in which she handles even the toughest of circumstances.

The way she opens her beautiful home to others and her home is only the backdrop to the beauty of her hospitality and love for others.

The way she loves her husband and encourages those around her to try again or try harder.

The way she shares her faith and lets you know that even if you don’t believe the same as she does…she loves you just the same.

The way she softly shares her art not knowing how amazing her creations truly are.

She just loves.

When Lorraine’s name is brought up people’s faces light up. She does that to you.

Lorraine needs a miracle.

 Maybe we all do because we need this light to still be in this world.

Whether you know Lorraine or not will you please life her and her family up in prayer?

I want us to make such a ruckus in heaven:-)

Join me in letting Lorraine know how much she is loved and may our prayers be a blanket that covers Lorraine and her family in protection, comfort and healing.

Lorraine, you still owe me a painting so don’t think you are getting out of it:-)