This morning I went on an early morning jog real quick before I needed to make breakfast for Jack and Maddy.

Jack started high school last week (he has homeschooled up until now) and Maddy is starting a new two day a week school program for homeschoolers (that is 30 minutes away).

I will still be homeschooling Benjamin this year and he will continue to go to his one day a week enrichment school.

I love early morning runs or walks because I am quiet, the world is quiet, the air feels different and I am more likely to HEAR…really hear the Lord.

Today I was just asking for guidance with the children, school, the “to do” lists and the busyness that the past two weeks has brought.

I love lists and getting things accomplished but I don’t want MY plans and MY goals to get in the way of HIS plans.

I don’t like busy.  I actually get pretty mean and grumpy with busy and lots of driving around.

The older I get the more I have realized that we are given gifts and skills for our own joy, to bless others and to ultimately honor the Lord.

I talk about this deep belief in some of my online courses and when I teach in person.

I also know that he won’t beg you to use your gifts and skills.

The hard truth is that he doesn’t need us to do anything.

He can do anything he wants and needs without us but here is the best part…he WANTS to include us!

We are asked again and again to be a part of his adventures.

Are we too busy to notice or do our own plans get in the way?

Do amazing adventures pass us by and another person with an open heart and mind join him instead?

I love the story of Esther and this verse especially has made a lasting impact on me.

There are two aspects about this verse that bring me back again and again.

1) If you are not able to do this it is OK…but I will find another that will

2) Have you ever thought that maybe this is why you are here in the first place?

For such a time as this!

What are you being asked to do with your gifts and skills?

Who around you needs encouragement or support?

Do your children need extra time?

Does your husband need to be reminded that he is loved and appreciated and that you don’t want to live this crazy life with anyone but him?

Do you need to stand up for a wrong?

Do you need to forgive or be forgiven?

Are you not using your gifts and skills and keeping yourself busy with things that don’t really matter?

Are you afraid to step out boldly with your gifts?

Are you afraid you will fail?

I am adventurer at heart!

I love to travel and learn and to meet new people.

I love the Lord and want a heart for the things of him.

I get bored easily and want to jump in my car and just drive.

In fact, my kids laugh whenever I fill up the Jeep with gas because I get all giddy because I feel like I could just take off and head out on an adventure.

I want my children to see the world, meet people different from them, love people that they didn’t know they could love and taste life in a different way.

Whenever I travel I look up real estate in that area and wonder if I could live there.

I have always thought I had a bit of gypsy in me:-)

The truth is I have the Lord in me and he hopes I want to join in on his adventures!

I do. I do.

Here is a little inspiration for you:-)