
I am so excited that you are here!

Every Wednesday in February I will be doing a post on DREAMS.

Our beautiful, wonderful, amazing dreams!

The first thing I want you to do is to truly open you heart and your mind to the dreams that are stored within you.

Please do not compare yourself or your dreams to anyone!

Your dreams are unique and special…just like you!

Grab a journal, notebook or sheets of paper.

As we go along you may even want to decorate it and embellish it.

Why a journal?

When you write your thoughts down you are more likely to actually do them!

When you say your thoughts out loud you are declaring that your words and thoughts have value!

You will never know how far you have come if you don't realize where you started.

Your journal will help you see that.

The things you write now may be private and secret.

Maybe even a little scary.

As we go along I truly believe you will want to share your heart and dreams with those that you love.

The people that love YOU and will be the ones to help and support you.

You need these people to truly fly.


So lets begin!

I want you to think back to when you were younger.

What were your dreams?

As you were growing up or even a young adult…what did you dream of becoming?

Maybe you are living your dream.

Maybe you are living part of your dream.

Maybe you don't even want those things anymore.

I have gotten so many emails lately of women telling me that they have even forgotten how to dream.

If you still think about those dreams….lets go there.

What stopped you?

Was it you?  Were you scared?

Were you not supported?

Were you talked out of it?

Whatever the reason write these things down.

Take this week to think about the dreams you had in the past.

The dreams you secretly hold now for the future.

Training is the opposite of hoping

I love this quote.

I think of it all of the time.

It is one of the incredible ad campaigns from Nike.

I was inspired by this quote and my friend Julie a few years ago.

I saw my friend wearing a t-shirt with this quote on it.

My friend had recently had her fourth baby.

She knew they were done having children and she wanted her body back.

She wanted to feel healthy and active again.

She started training.


She transformed her life.

She transformed her body!

"Training is the opposite of hoping"

Print this out.


The things that you want to see for your life will not come with just thinking about them.

Wishing about them.

Dreaming about them.


You need to take the first step.

What will that first step be?

You can only answer that.

What is distracting you today from doing the things that you were born to do?

I am not talking about your marriage or children.

These are blessings.

I am not even talking about a full time job that you hate….because right now…that job is a blessing too.

I am talking about all the things that can distract us everyday and keep us from living a full and creative life.

We all have the same number of hours in a day.

How are you using your hours?

I can't believe I am giving you homework…but I am!!!:-)

You are so dear to my heart.

You all bless me everyday!

We are all a messy, beautiful work in progress.

I am still getting there too.

For some of you that are just starting on this not give up!

It is an incredible place to be.