
I know I have not shown you any photos from our trip to Boston, Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard.

Would you believe that I have not even gone through the photos yet?

It is true!

They will be coming…maybe at Christmas time….but they are coming.

I had to show you some unexpected treasures I found one day on the way to the beach.

We were driving through Harwich and Kelly spotted an antique shop.


I had seen it  but we were heading to the beach so I didn't say anything.

Before I knew it Kelly was turning the car around.

They stayed in the car and I ran inside with my hair in pigtails, swimsuit and cover up. 

I would also like to point out that more breasts were showing than usual…not my normal antiquing outfit.

As I entered a woman asked if there was anything I was looking for and I told her vintage ephemera.


She brought me back to a booth with an amazing selection…I was in heaven.


She left me alone and I started to go through it as quickly as possible because my whole family was in the car desperate to get to the beach.

When I checked out I found out the booth was hers.

She was such a pleasure to talk with and she had so many treasures.


She has some amazing plans in her head for creative girls….I hope it becomes a reality for her and I can share it with you soon.

The best part is that she has a shop on Etsy.

Check out Michele's shop and even email her if you have a specific request. 

Her shop in The Cape is incredible and she is most likely able to help you.

Michelle, it was such a pleasure talking with you and meeting another lover of all things vintage!