The Homies voting is down to the six finalist.

I am so excited for my friend Meg at Whatever.


As in..whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is
pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is
excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.

Don't you adore her already????

Her blog is so gorgeous!


She has great posts on recipes, family, decorating and photography…with a little bit of everything else thrown in.



I am sure you know who she is…but if you don't go and check her out….and go and vote here!

On a side coveting note…I am in LOVE with her home and rarely drool over anyone's home. 


Go to her site and click on the photos of her home on the left sidebar.

Drool, swoon, covet….go ahead….we will all understand.

(the bathroom is one of my favorite photos)
