I have been a lover of books for as long as I can remember.

I remember the first book that made me cry.

It was Charlotte’s Web.

The tears caught me off guard.

I was only a young girl, on my bed, reading on my stomach.

I was surprised by the tears and obviously still remember that moment to this day.

As I grew I continued to be a reader and not just what the kids my age where reading.

I read poetry and could often be found writing my own.

I would later write the most horrendous love stories you could possibly imagine.

There was a huge span of time when I forgot to write.

I don’t know why or how I could forget something so important…but I did.

My love of books was never forgotten though.

My Grandma Jeanne had a beautiful, small library in her home.

This room was my favorite and I promised myself that someday I would have a library too.

And I do.

My husband built the built in bookshelves (one of many in our home) and we have it replenished often.

We all love this room.

It is now also our piano room and sweet music is constantly filling the house.

My children are all lovers of books.

I know that by keeping good books all over the house we have made it natural for them to reach for a new book whenever they are wanting a new adventure.

Maybe someday they will follow in their mom’s footsteps and write really horrific love stories:-)