
As I was growing up I always had a journal

I would write down my daily events, make up stories and even write poetry.

For so long that form of creativity had disappeared from my life until I began to blog.

Life had gotten busy and I don't even remember the last time I had journaled.

I bought journals…I just never opened them and told my story…my story now.

I had forgotten how easily words used to come.

I still have a lot to say. 

I still have a lot I NEED to say. 

I can't thank you enough for the love and encouragement I get everyday from all of you. 

Whether you are a reader that comments or a blog I love to visit…I am inspired. 

Inspired to write, create, love, laugh………….to tell my story.

What do you want to say?

What do you need to say?

Say it……tell your story…..we are all waiting to hear!




Typewriter available at Post Road Vintage