I am constantly in awe of the beauty that is all around me if I have my eyes open to it. Sometimes I find it snowshoeing on our property after a snowstorm, reading by the fire, one simple candle lit, catching myself humming, displaying new photos of our children, having my mom over for dinner and making one more mark on a new piece of art.  Sometimes I even find beauty on the internet.

 I found so many beautiful little treasures on the internet this past month and I wanted to share them.  No affiliates, just wanting to share and I hope they add some beauty to your month too.

If you are also interested in learning how to force branches to bloom click the above image or HERE.
Try a recipe that we make at home that comes pretty darn close to the goodness of the French Alpine Bistro. Almost.
If you want to know more behind Gustav Klimit and The Kiss click HERE.