Soul.Full: Supply List - Jeanne Oliver

Supply List


( pretty little ways to bring more SOUL into the day.)

hello. supplies.

**i am a huge advocate of using inexpensive supplies. throughout the week i will be explaining why i believe it is okay to use what you have at hand and other tips on what is a sweet go to if you want to move forward or grow into new supplies. below you will see my list, these are just suggestions. but will be what i use throughout the week. you can decide what works for you as far as budget or what you have already that will work for you. of course if you have any questions, you can send me a note via our class page.

i will be happy to share information and suggestions. the most important thing is that this week together is about finding simply ways to fill up your soul with color and creativity. xoxo

.. pencil
.. pencil sharpener
.. brushes (i use a liner, small round and small flat.) i love these and at michaels you can get smaller sets to mix and match.
.. black fine sharpie
.. grumbacher pan watercolors
.. peerless watercolors
.. one pad of watercolor paper – buy a pad and cut down sheets and notecards for each project. here is what i will be using.

projects no. 2,4,5,6,7 and 8 pad –

project no.3 postcards –

..chalk – sidewalk chalk or sticks
you can find this at any craft or target, walmart etc.

..string, twine, floss, ribbon. something to use for your banner.

remember, keep it simple. don’t fret. this is all about getting creative and having fun.

xoxo, kelly