I can’t believe that tomorrow is December 1!

How can it be so close to Christmas and a brand new year?

I have thought a lot about our month of December and what I really desire for our family.

Part of the plan has been built upon two of my three that fight and pick at each other all. day. long (at least it feels like it).

I know that siblings do this.

I did it and I was really good at it:-) but….

We have a rule in our home.

If you can’t be kind to the people in our home then you don’t get to go out and be nice to your friends outside the home.

Pretty simple.

You can’t be nice…you don’t play with friends.

If you can think of your friends before yourself…maybe you could think of your little brother before yourself.

Just saying.

So, that brings me to advent and Christmas.

I want this season to be full of cookie making, present wrapping, story times, Christmas music and ice skating.

But what I really want is to prepare our hearts for the amazing gift of Christ’s birth and all that it means.

I want my children to serve this season and for their hearts to be tender to others.

I want them to see and feel their abundance.

I want them to really know that giving is better than receiving.

My husband and I want our advent time to be about contentment and giving so for the next 24 days they will be given one thing per day to do to bless others.

Some are big and some are small.

Some things will require our whole family and some they can do on their own.

So, tomorrow morning when they go to open the first door of our advent calendar they will have a prompt of how they can bless another person in this world.

I am actually really excited about it and I hope they will be too.

This year I bought a new advent book to read as a family each night.

We have really (really) loved this book but we have read it the past few years and wanted to try something new.

All of my children have loved this interactive story.

Jack still talks about when we did this.

I think it has been his most special Christmas memory and I hope we try it again this year.

Do you do something special for advent?