As a creative, one of my favorite things in the world is to step into the creative space of another. I love when an artist shares their space, how they use it, a peek into their favorite tools and even what they are currently working on. I hope you will join me for the brand new An Artist Studio series! Each month a different artist will welcome us into their space!

I hope it will encourage you to cherish your own creating space.  I started on the kitchen table, built our business in an unfinished basement, filmed our first courses in a transformed dinning room, create now in a big space and know that I will find a creative space no matter where we go next. The space you have is perfect if you are showing up and creating in it!

Previous studio tours: Jeanne Oliver , Stephanie Lee ,and Diane Reeves.

This month we have been welcomed into the studio of Sandi Hester.

Sandi Hester had her first painting lessons around her grandmother’s kitchen table during long summer visits in the countryside of Franklin, Tennessee. Her grandmother was a pottery artist and first exposed Sandi to the feel of a loaded paintbrush sliding across a surface. For Sandi, the subject, color, texture and enjoyment of the creative process are very important.

“I’m always aiming for a looseness – a suggestion of what’s really there. I try to capture the beauty of the scene and the feeling of color and warmth instead of recording the details of the scene. I’m not interested in the exactness – I’m interested in how it makes me feel. Painting this way tells you more about the image or scene than when grasping for the details.” – Sandi Hester

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