For the month of June I will be sharing photos from my trip to France in the summer of 2010.

The photos from my Paris portion of the trip have never been seen.

I am loving going back through the photos and how they are triggering my memories.

I am also getting more and more excited for the upcoming trip to France I have with my husband in September.

You can see the previous photos HERE and HERE.

After the flea market and a bite to eat it was time to do a little sight-seeing.

I barely had any time in Paris so it was hard to choose what to see.

Sacre’ Coeur was on the top of the list.

It was fun to climb the narrow steps up to the top and have the breathtaking views of Paris around me.

I am absolutely in love with the streets and cafes around Sacre’ Coeur.

I believe the area is Rue Caulaincourt.

How can you not be in love with bistro chair lined cafes, tree shaded streets and quaint patisseries?

Before dinner I sat at a cafe people watching (one of my favorite pastimes:-)).

I am head over heals with how the men dress in Paris.

I almost can’t take it and I don’t even know many American men that could get away with the slim cuts that French men wear.

I also love how everyone rides bikes through the city…no matter what they are wearing.

The evening ended with dinner with one of the most interesting women I have ever met.

Few people have ever left such an impression on me.

Paris is pure magic.

I hope you join me next Monday for my last photos of Paris.


For all you creative people out there (and even those that don’t believe you are…or have forgotten how to be)….

Creatively Made {rediscovering the beauty of your gifts} starts again TODAY!

We would love to have you in class.

It is a four week, online, art e-course for $48.

The videos will be available for almost five months and you can watch them at your convenience.

Don’t you love e-courses???

If you have already taken the course and want to take it again you can for only $18.

To register for the first time you can go HERE.

If you want to take it again please email me at with your name and invoice number from the last course.

I will send you an invoice right away.
