JO Blog

Quirky Characters with Lucy Cooke begins on Monday!

Quirky Characters with Lucy Cooke goes live on Monday!  Learn how to fall in love with drawing again! With simple materials, transform lines that are interesting, wonky, elegant, and scribbly, into quirky characters that will make you smile!   Quirky Characters with Lucy Cooke! 3.75+ hours of course content, lifetime* access and a registration price […]

I Am Teaching At The Donna Downey Studios in 2019 | Registration Just Opened

I have been waiting patiently to announce my first art workshop of 2019! I will be coming back to the Donna Downey Studios and we will have two days to play with storytelling through our art with sketching, paint, collage and more. Whether your subject matter is landscapes, portraits, or still life, you will learn […]

Early Registration Ending | Draw and See with Rebecca Sower

I can not remember a time during this creative journey that I haven’t admired and deeply respected the work and heart of Rebecca Sower. She is a prolific artist with a wide range of techniques and skills that she is dipping her hands in and the results are always beautiful. I had always hoped that Rebecca […]

Creatively Made Business | Palm Springs Retreat

Everything your business needs is everything you have always been! If you are ready to create a life and business that looks like no one else then it is time to see all of your gifts with fresh eyes. This past March we held our first live business workshop here at our studio and it […]

Walking Decisions Out and Overcoming Fear | Part Two

You can read part one HERE. We had decided by that first night to take the gift of our new home, land, and studio and see if we could make a go at it without a net. We made this decision in early May and there was no net as of August 1, 2017. As […]

Our One Year Milestone and Walking Through Storms | Part One

    Last year on May 4, 2017, I was just wrapping up an all-day workshop in my studio with local teenagers. The teachers and students had just walked onto the bus when I started to walk back down our gravel driveway as I saw Kelly approaching me. He let me know that he had […]

One Day Art Workshop in Round Top, Texas | Registration Open

The official launch date of my new book, The Painted Art Journal, was July 4th and we have been celebrating ever since. It has been the most amazing experience to see how you are connecting with the book and the impact it is having on your own story within your art! Your take on the projects […]

Early Registration Open | Creative Collage with Leslie Rottner

One of the sweetest parts of what I have the joy of doing is seeing something so beautiful and unique in an artist and asking them to share it with all of you. When I first saw the work of Leslie Rottner I couldn’t help but come back to look at it again and again. […]

I Am A Teacher In Wanderlust 2018!

  As a creative, that also runs a business I work alone a lot. This is a time I desperately need to stay focused and true to myself. I also make it a priority to say YES to at least one incredible collaboration a year so I have the beautiful inspiration, comradery, and lavishing that […]

Early Registration Ending | Quirky Characters with Lucy Cooke

So many times we can think we need a room of supplies to create or to be an artist. All we need is a pencil, paper and the desire to practice. I once read that people that connect with their creativity with simple tools like paper and ink or pencil on a daily basis are […]

Early Registration Open | Draw and See with Rebecca Sower

I can not remember a time during this creative journey that I haven’t admired and deeply respected the work and heart of Rebecca Sower. She is a prolific artist with a wide range of techniques and skills that she is dipping her hands in and the results are always beautiful. I had always hoped that Rebecca […]

Art As Allegory with Stephanie Lee begins tomorrow!

One more sleep until Stephanie Lee‘s newest online art course on our creative network! I have collaborated with Stephanie so many times and each time what she offers is honoring of her gifts and those that will gather. Want to take a peek at the content and what she is offering? Art As Allegory with Stephanie […]

Thank You For Getting Us To This Day | Official Release Day

Today is the official release day for my first book The Painted Art Journal. Thank you to everyone that got us to this day! We were also just told that it is now sold out on Amazon! WHAT? That is crazy awesome and that is all you guys! Thank you! I would LOVE your reviews! […]

Online Course Sale | Book Release Celebration

The official release date of my new book, The Painted Art Journal, is July 4th but we have already been doing all kinds of fun things to celebrate! This past weekend we had a one-day art workshop at City Farmhouse at The Factory and we also had our first book signing at White’s Mercantile on […]

Early Registration Open | Feel The Pose with Pauline Agnew

When you come across an artist whose work stops you in your tracks you have to find out more about them. That is exactly what happened with Pauline Agnew!  Her landscape and figure work are completely captivating and once I knew more about her and her work I was crossing my fingers she would create […]

Stephanie Lee Metalsmith Workshop | Jeanne Oliver Studio

Join Stephanie Lee in beautiful Castle Rock, Colorado on November 2-3, 2018 for a two-day art workshop. Our studio is light-filled and surrounded by wooded property that lends itself to exploring, creating and relaxing. It is our heart’s desire that your time on our land and studio brings you rest and filled with inspiration. When you […]

Early Registration Open | Quirky Characters with Lucy Cooke

So many times we can think we need a room of supplies to create or to be an artist. All we need is a pencil, paper and the desire to practice. I once read that people that connect with their creativity with simple tools like paper and ink or pencil on a daily basis are […]

Mini Masters | Instant Access

The first idea I ever had for an online course was the Studying Under The Masters series. It was not the first online course I put out into the world but once we created the online workshop, it ended up being a three-part series with 16 artists studying under a master artist and thousands of […]

Meet Me In Franklin, TN | Book Signing At White’s Merchantile

Pre-orders of my first book, The Painted Art Journal, are starting to ship out! This is so exciting and scary all mixed up!  The official launch is July 4th and we will be celebrating until then.  You can also order a signed copy from our shop. For those of you close to Franklin, TN I […]

How We Celebrate Birthdays Around Here

I love birthdays! One whole day to love on just one person. One day that allows you to give a person a glimpse into how much their life means to you! It is almost 19 years ago that our birthday tradition began. It was my birthday during our first year of marriage and my day […]

Early Registration Ending | Art As Allegory with Stephanie Lee

Stephanie Lee is back with a brand new course! Stephanie is one of my favorite humans and artists and I am always so excited when her work is on our creative network. The early registration price is about to end for Art as Allegory with Stephanie Lee! Four+ hours of course content, lifetime* access and […]

Abstract Untangled Begins Tomorrow!

  One of the most wonderful parts of what I get to do is to collaborate with other incredible artists! I love seeing something in another person that I KNOW you will connect with. It is even deeper than that. I love finding in another artist a beautiful and deep love to SHARE their authentic […]

New Free Art Video | Bunny and Ellie with Danielle Donaldson

We have just added another free video to our creative network! Today we have released Bunny and Ellie with the super talented Danielle Donaldson. This is free video from Danielle’s course on our creative network All Creatures Lovely and Small. Draw an elephant and bunny along with Danielle. Then add intricate watercolor washes, shadows, layers and details. Just […]

24 Hours Left | Semi-Annual 50% Off Online Class Sale

We only do this twice a year and this will not happen again until January 2019! For the next 24 hours we are having our Semi Annual 50% off Online Class Sale! USE CODE: JO50 This is the perfect time to stock up on all of those online classes that you have been dreaming about taking. […]