JO Blog

Your Love Is Deep {Your Love is Wide}

Life has been particularly busier than normal these past months and I do not do busy very well. Busy makes me feel like I am treading water and just keeping my head above water. Each morning I try to focus on what really needs my attention whether it be home, business, children, friends, marriage or […]

Brett Whiteley {sneak peek into week four}

Good Morning! Just a quick post to give you a glimpse into week four of Studying Under The Masters {portraits and self-portraits}. This week artist Robin Fingher will be studying under the works of Brett Whitely. Come and join us for a fascinating look into the world of this renowned Australian artist. *** If you […]

New Sculpting Course Open For Registration! {create your own holiday gifts this year}

I am thrilled to announce that Stephanie Lee will be teaching Hand Formed | Simple Sculpting {sculpting with plaster and clay} beginning NEXT month! This is the perfect time to create special gifts that really mean something special for the holidays. Stephanie is creating a course that will teach you the basics and beyond and […]

Let’s Celebrate Soul.Full With an Art Supply Giveway {who doesn’t love new supplies?}

You can still get the early registration price for the brand new online art course Soul.Full {pretty little ways to bring more SOUL into the day! To celebrate the new course you know how I love a good art supply giveaway! Artist Kelly Barton will be leading this one week instantly available course. Think color, […]

Butternut Squash and Sausage Soup {my most favorite soup I have ever made}

Fall = soup. End of story. Now that the weather is finally cooling off a bit my inner home loving, nesting heart comes out in full force. One of my favorite cookbooks that I reach for again and again is Against All Grain. I like to follow recipes but I rarely stick to them. I […]

Max Beckmann {sneak peek into week three}

We have been having the most fun the past two weeks in the new Studying Under The Masters {portraits and self-portraits}! Week one and two we were immersed in the works and practice of Van Gogh and Picasso. This week I am giddy to dive into week three with one of my favorite artists teaching […]

Making Art With Children {Letting Them Lead}

My children have been surrounded by art supplies, art books, art on the walls and art museums their whole lives. Sometimes what they really need is just the freedom to create. When I put supplies out for my kids and then I walk away to do my own thing I feel that my kids rush […]

Pablo Picasso {sneak peek}

Week one of Studying Under The Masters {portraits and self-portraits} has been a huge hit all about studying under Vincent Van Gogh! The work coming out of the class is already outstanding and so inspiring. Teresa McFayden is leading week two and studying under the works of Pablo Picasso. Here is just a peek… I […]

The Winner of Lifebook 2015 {is it you?}

What an amazing response to Lifebook 2015! I am excited to be a part of this course with so many other artists that I admire. I bet you want to know who won the spot to Lifebook 2015… Congratulations Melanie! Please email me at with all of your information and I will pass it […]

My Thoughts On Our Marble Countertops

I have found that so many people have very strong opinions about having marble countertops. A few days after we had our marble island counter installed an acquaintance was in our home and this was her response as she ran her hands over our marble… “Oh, my!  You went with marble!  Are you going to […]

The New Studying Under The Masters Has Started {sneak peek of week one}

Good Morning! I am thrilled to tell you that week one has just launched of the brand new Studying Under The Masters {portraits and self-portraits}! This first week is all about Van Gogh and it is so much fun. I wanted to give you a sneak peek into some of the videos and art that […]

Soul.Full {pretty little ways to bring more SOUL into the day}

This is turning out to be one of the most creative falls we have ever had on the Jeanne Oliver Creative Network! I believe we have some of the most unique and beautiful online courses out there and I am so proud to tell you that artist Kelly Barton will be teaching this November. Here […]

24 Hours Sale in The Shop!

Good Morning! We are having a 24 hours sale in the shop on our in stock bags, necklaces and paint brush holders. We are almost out so don’t wait if you have had your eye on something. This is for 24 hours only! {We are already incredibly busy working on our winter collection and it […]

When Life Wakes You Up {uncovering spontaneity}

Last September while walking around Arlington National Cemetery with my family I received a message from my doctor that some recent tests had shown some abnormal cells and I needed to come in. I immediately called the nurse back that had left the message and asked, “Are you saying they are cancer cells?”. She told […]

Bigger Than You {we are almost there}

My dear friend Kimberly Taylor has found her passion outside her gorgeous home and family and it is contagious. I would love for you to hear her heart and consider helping in the final stretch of this amazing opportunity to give. We are ALMOST there!   ******* My name is Kimberly Taylor and I am […]

Life Book 2015 {Teacher line up, blog hop and giveaway}

Good morning! I have some exciting news this morning and I hope you will be excited too and want to join me. I am one of 25 teachers that will teaching in Life Book 2015! This is an online art course that gives you new art technique and inspiration videos each month for a whole […]

Fall Decorating Ideas {Finding Fall Home Tour}

Do I get to wear boots yet? That is what fall is all about! OK, maybe fall is amazing for other things too. How about I was married in October, two of my babies were born in the fall, the cooler temperatures, bulky sweaters, getting all cozy and reading a book, family and friends gathering […]

Sketchworks [drawing with confidence]

Good Morning! I wanted you to know about a brand new art course that will begin on November 4th.  Artist Angie Redhead will lead this two week drawing course Sketchworks [drawing with confidence]. He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where […]

Help Me Choose My New Glasses {survey included}

Hello! I love my current glasses by Tom Ford but I love to accessorize and every time I see the awesome glasses from Warby Parker I want them all! I finally just bit the bullet and ordered five pairs to try on and hopefully find a few new glasses to rotate with my wardrobe and […]

What Makes These Girls So Special? {Like I needed to tell you}

I believe in this quote and think about it often. I am lucky enough to constantly be in the position that I have the opportunity and pleasure to have incredibly talented women and men all around me. I know that by having people of such talent and quality that it also helps me to grow […]

IKEA Hack {how we built our kitchen island}

When we made the decision to rip out our existing island we had planned on paying a contractor to do the work. What did we know and how could we take on a project this big? We knew we didn’t want what we had but where would we even begin to pick out the insides […]

Top Ten {Amazing Art Retreats}

Happy Friday! I recently asked other friends and artists to share some of the art retreats that they have loved or are a part of. My list goes beyond ten because I didn’t want to leave anyone out. Maybe you will find the perfect retreat to get away, relax, create, connect and explore. {The retreats […]

Woodland Girls {come check out my brand new art course for fall}

I am excited to tell you about my brand new art course that will begin on October 27th. I hope you will join me for the one week art course Woodland Girls {and other natural curiosities}. Fall is my favorite time of the year because of the crispness in the air, the crunch of the […]

Creativity Takes Courage {Bliss and Tell Branding Company}

Our newest Creativity Takes Courage interview starts right now! ******* For those of you that are new to the blog I want to tell you a little bit about the free series. Over a year ago we expanded our creative network to offer free videos, new online courses, live “chats” and now interviews with courageous […]