JO Blog
You Have A Story to Tell
As I was growing up I always had a journal. I would write down my daily events, make up stories and even write poetry. For so long that form of creativity had disappeared from my life until I began to blog. Life had gotten busy and I don't even remember the last time I […]
July 21, 2009 -
Home Sweet Home
I have to share a town with you that is really one of my very favorites! Growing up in Illinois we would often make the hour drive to Galena to enjoy the beautiful drive and store after store of antiques. I loved those Sunday drives and I also think all those days in […]
July 19, 2009 -
What Do Your Mornings Look Like?
I have loved looking through the lovely photos of A Year of Mornings. I love the story behind the book. I love the collaboration and the outcome is stunning and simple. I thought I would give it a try myself. The result was MY mornings and the early hours through my eyes. I put […]
July 16, 2009 -
Reward The Positive
Our summer has been wonderful so far. Day after day of meeting with friends and just playing. Because we homeschool I always feel like summer is a huge break for us. I have to admit I miss the structure of our school days though. With less structure comes more fighting and whining. I have just […]
July 15, 2009 -
I am really laughing at my title because I can't stand when people shorten words that don't need to be shorten. Case in point… Vacation=Vay-Kay Junior College=Ju-Co Computer=puter. "I am going to play on my puter." What the heck? That just sounds a little sick and wrong! I think you get the picture and I […]
July 14, 2009 -
Evolution Of A Friendship
Over eight years ago we each had a little baby under the age of one. We both had moved from other towns to Ft. Collins and we were missing the friends we left behind. We moved because of our husband's jobs. We made this choice too, but it wasn't easy. We met at Kindermusic. Not […]
July 13, 2009 -
My Best of the Best
We all have favorite items that make our days a little nicer. Here are some of mine. I love this mascara….LOVE it! I have used it for years and will not use anything else if I can help it. I buy these flip flops every year from J Crew. I have them in […]
July 13, 2009 -
Needing A New Ride
I have a nice mountain bike that I use when we do more trail riding. What I have been looking for the past six months is a cruiser with gears. Something to ride on all the paved trails around our house. I am looking at two. Looking is not the same as getting…I just wanted […]
July 10, 2009 -
Join Me For A Spot Of Tea?
I have loved pretty linens, delicate tea cups and a beautifully set table for as long as I can remember. I also believe that all your pretty and special items need to be out and used…how sad to keep all the pretties for company. It is my husband and children that are my heart…why not […]
July 8, 2009 -
Love Walked In
I have to admit something. Something very shallow about myself. Sometimes…SOMETIMES…I will buy a book just because it has a great cover! I know, I know….how could I do this? I am a LOVER of books. I love the written word. I can't think of a better way to spend the afternoon than in a […]
July 6, 2009 -
I seem to be able to get lots of photos of Benjamin because he is my little sidekick. He is usually right by my side and ever so willing to let me photograph him. The other two…that is a different story. They are usually running past me in a blur on their way to do […]
July 2, 2009 -
Once It Is Gone
It is hard to believe but my fall/winter collection is on its way! The new items will be added to my shop in August. To make room for all of the new items I have marked down all fabric items in my shop. All orders over $50 will also receive free shipping. […]
June 30, 2009 -
Peek Into The Art Of Janet Hill Studios
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. -Pablo Picasso I have been admiring the art of Janet from Janet Hill Studios for some time now. I love the subjects of her paintings and her use of color and light is amazing. I had the privilege of interviewing her recently. I […]
June 29, 2009 -
The Farm Part II
Funny as this kids talk about Grandma's popsicles for the entire year. The thing that really makes me laugh about this is that it is just frozen grape juice on Tupperware sticks that we had as kids. Have I told you guys lately how much I adore this child? Jack […]
June 26, 2009 -
The Farm Part I
One of my children's favorite places on earth is my parent's farm. It has become our tradition that as soon as we finish school each year I drive with the three kids to Illinois and play with Grandma and Grandpa. Did you hear me…I drive with three children from Colorado to Illinois. I just wanted […]
June 25, 2009 -
Sometimes I forget to share more of what I create with all of you. At the Farm Chicks show I was talking to my friend Amy and she was asking more about things I make. I was explaining to her that what is on Etsy is just a fraction of what I make and she had […]
June 25, 2009 -
Old School
I have a husband that grew up in Southern California. He was always on his bike and at the skate park. One of the things I adore about him is that he is so young at heart. He still loves to go to the skatepark and he now takes our children. I tagged along […]
June 24, 2009 -
Old Glory
I was a little spoiled on Friday. My husband took the day off and we all headed to a once a year antique show in our area. As soon as we got there my husband told me he needed to get food…I only wanted to shop. He took the kids and headed to the food. […]
June 22, 2009 -
Best Dressed Mom At The Park
OK…I have offically decided that from now on I am only buying all my clothes from 13 Bees. I am in LOVE with everything on their site and I will now be the best dressed mom at the park, grocery store, pilates and all hikes we do as a family. Weeding the yard…yep…that will be […]
June 19, 2009 -
No Water Required
In celebration of summer and the lush garden I wish I had here in Colorado I thought I would show you some of my floral favorites of the moment. Headband by Chic Allure Cuff by Paperhill The Pillow Farm Necklace by Miss Ruby Sue Clutch by Little Bryd Anne Musing Designs Vintage Chic Images […]
June 17, 2009 -
You May Be Seated
I have been wanting to show you my window seat for awhile now. On a whim I rearranged the shelves and put new curtains up (Target). I only used items that I already had except for the curtains and I just sewed new seat cushions. That was the final piece that needed to be added […]
June 15, 2009 -
I was recently tagged by Jen from City Farmhouse to share seven random things with you about myself. I did one of these lists awhile ago with 25 items…I am running out of things to tell you guys. OK…here we go. 1. I grew up in Illinois and I would move back in a second […]
June 14, 2009 -
The Best Find Of All Part II
Ok…I know you have been waiting anxiously for the next installment of the Farm Chicks show weekend! Did you just cheer? I want to start off with the three things I would have bought in a second if I wasn't traveling on a plane. The table was my favorite color blue, pine top and […]
June 11, 2009 -
The Best Find Of All Part I
Most of you know that I went to Spokane, WA for the Farm Chicks show last weekend. It was truly an amazing weekend!!! But in so many ways that you can't imagine. Yes, I will show you incredible treasures…and bought many lovely ones…but that is not what I really took away from this weekend. Take […]
June 10, 2009 -