JO Blog
Everybody Cut Footloose
I had been wanting to watch Footloose very badly lately. Don't ask me why or judge my movie viewing choices. Maybe I was longing for 1984? All I can say is that when we finally watched it I laughed a lot more than I did in 1984! Maybe my head was cloudy from all the […]
December 20, 2008 -
The House is Clean (kind of)
Many of you have emailed me to show pictures of the rest of our home. The house is usually not clean enough for pictures, so this is all you are getting:-) My eight year old's room is completely off limits! I hope you are all enjoying getting your home ready for Christmas. We are excited […]
December 14, 2008 -
Life Is Not Too Shabby
First of all I would like to say that I am so excited to be in a photograph with my children. If you are a mom of kids you know what I am talking about. There are thousands of photos of my children with my husband…I am usually the one behind the camera. I was […]
December 11, 2008 -
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
We have had such a great time beginning to decorate the house. The children can barely contain themselves as we get all the boxes out. I was just the same. As soon as the Thanksgiving meal was being cleared from the table I was off looking for all the Christmas decorations. The truth has to […]
December 4, 2008 -
Free Shipping
I wanted you to know that I am offering FREE SHIPPING (in the US) through December 8. So come on over and check out all of the new goodies. Remember I can ship to your family and friends. Just let me know at check out who you want the package to go to.
December 1, 2008 -
I Would Like You To Meet….
I wanted to introduce you to a boutique shop owner in Iowa. Tricia is the owner of Backyard Candle Company. She carries so many different items and really carries a lot of items from individuals like myself. I love that I am seeing handmade items in more and more shops these days. Tricia is also […]
November 29, 2008 -
Happy Thanksgiving
I hope each of you had a wonderful day today relaxing at home, celebrating with friends and family or just enjoying the day by yourself. We had the most relaxing Thanksgiving I can remember. Most of us stayed in our pajamas all day. Makes getting ready for bed tonight pretty easy! I have had a corneal ulcer […]
November 27, 2008 -
Take A Peek
I am so excited to now be offering the Bella apron for little girls and a new line of tea towels. Let me know what you think. These are all ready to be shipped and more will be added in the New Year. Just click here to order your own.
November 26, 2008 -
Look What We Have
The shop is beginning to fill up for Christmas. I have many things on sale right now and new items being added daily. I have many new fabric items that will be added this week. Thanks so much for looking and happy shopping!
November 25, 2008 -
I Heart Handmade
Christmas is just right around the corner and I have decided to only buy handmade for friends and family this year. There are so many talented and creative people out there….why not support them and bless the people I love at the same time. I may spend a little more but I will be giving a unique gift. […]
November 21, 2008 -
Pre-Thanksgiving Sale
Come on over here and shop early for Christmas with my Pre-Thanksgiving Sale. EVERY fabric item has been marked down. The sale will only last until Thanksgiving. I also have new items arriving next week. Check back often. I have so many new items that I can't wait to show you!!!
November 19, 2008 -
The Wonder of the Cross
My little Madolyn has been dancing since she was three. She is now the ripe old age of six. She took three years of ballet and later added tap to her class. I have seen three ballet recitals. This year she decided she didn't want to dance anymore. I was so surprised because this child […]
November 18, 2008 -
And The Winner Is…….
I know I am VERY overdue for the little giveaway of mine. I made my daughter remind me to draw a name…she is six. It is extremely sad how my brain does not work as well as it used to. So without further ado I wanted to say congrats to Nicoleigh…..please take a bow and […]
November 16, 2008 -
Comfortable In My Own Skin
One of my good friends called me to meet. She was ready and I said that I could be ready in five minutes. It was 2:00 on Sunday and I was still in my pajamas. I raced upstairs, put a hat on my head, perfume (just like a shower…right?), changed clothes, splashed a little makeup […]
November 11, 2008 -
Big Boy
Isn't it just heartbreaking sometimes to be a mom? My youngest one is two. My husband wanted to take all the children to a huge ski show in Denver. I was fine about the two older ones, but I thought bringing the youngest would be too much…..would they watch him….ok, you get the idea. After […]
November 10, 2008 -
It Smells Like Christmas
We were invited to a friend's home for dinner last night and we wanted to bring a dessert. The children and I decided to make an apple crisp. We peeled, sliced, zested, stirred, dumped and sprinkled. As the children were stirring the apples with the nutmeg, cinnamon, orange zest, lemon zest, lemon juice, orange […]
November 9, 2008 -
She Is Grateful
While I was at the Heather Bullard Parisian Soiree I had the pleasure of meeting Beth Quinn and purchasing one of her beautiful necklaces. I loved this one because it says "She Is Grateful' and that is exactly how I feel. I feel so grateful about so many areas in my life. Grateful for Family […]
November 8, 2008 -
Parisian Soiree
OK…it is official….I need a new camera and to learn photoshop. Please check out Sara's site for some amazing photos of the party.
November 5, 2008 -
Did I Just Go To Europe?
Isn't this amazing? Heather Bullard could not have chosen a more beautiful location for her Parisian Soiree than The Mission Inn. The architectural detail was phenomenal. You truly felt like you were in Europe. There was a wedding going on in the chapel while we were there. After the ceremony the couple walked […]
November 4, 2008 -
Fall Fun
Who doesn't love fall? The air cools down, the leaves turn amazing colors, pumpkin patches, fresh apples and the crunch of leaves under your feet. It is also such a fun time for the children…. We got together with friends and all the kids made pumpkins. My friend, Julie, made the coolest Halloween snacks. […]
November 3, 2008 -
Weekend Plans
I am excited to fly to California, spend time with my friend Kasey and take part in a fun and girly day. I know I will be inspired by amazingly talented and creative women. I can't wait to show you the pictures and share the stories. I also have more new goodies that I will be adding to […]
October 30, 2008 -
Started With a Birthday and Ended With a Tic Tac
This past weekend was packed with activities. We started the weekend with Madolyn's 6th birthday party on Friday night. All the girls (and their moms) met at the movie theater to see High School Musical (hence the HSM music on the blog….it will be gone soon:-)). They loved it and so did we. We then […]
October 29, 2008 -
The Shop is Full
I spent most of this past weekend getting things ready to put on my site. I have so many more things that I will be adding this week. Keep checking back! I would also like to do a little give away. Visit the site, let me know what you like and I will do a […]
October 28, 2008 -
Moms Need Sick Days Too
Today is a day that I wish I could call in sick….but I am a stay at home mom and there is no one available to take my place:-( Mom, could you drive from Illinois today and watch my kids? Ok. It is very clear. I do not get a day off to sleep! I […]
October 23, 2008 -