JO Blog

The Creative Side Hustle | 10 Places to Sell From Etsy to Art Markets

I get asked all of the time how I started our business. I started on ETSY and markets! Everything has grown from there! That is why I am so excited to share this! If you have a beautiful idea but you don’t know where to offer it I hope you will check this out!   […]

The Jeanne Oliver Podcast Episode Fifty One | Art with Adele Sypesteyn

  In this episode Jeanne is talking with artist and teacher Adele Sypesteyn. Her architecturally influenced abstract work incorporates multiple layers of texture, color and pattern. Adele is lavishly generous in sharing her process and her genuine interest in helping others to create art through her popular YouTube channel and also her online art academy. […]

The Inspired Line with Zane Prater | Begins Next Week!

I have been captivated by the works on paper and also the murals of Zane Prater for years now. His mastery of line and his ability to bring emotion to the viewer is one of my favorite aspects of his work. I have had the joy of seeing some of his large mural work up […]

April Round-Up | Free Beauty Found on the Internet

I am constantly in awe of the beauty that is all around me if I have my eyes open to it. Sometimes I find it in funny texts, my office being put back together after a year, little peeks of spring, being in the passenger seat as Ben drives, laughing with Maddy, watching Jack share […]

The Jeanne Oliver Podcast Episode Fifty | A Celiac in Italy with Catalin Varela

  In this episode Jeanne is talking with functional nutritionist, celiac guide and expat living in Florence, Italy, Catalin Varela. As the founder of The Celiac in Italy, Catalin teaches online Italian cooking classes (all gluten free, of course), consults clients on traveling safely in Italy as a celiac, and is an English+Italian speaking resource […]

The Art of Gathering | Two Spots Open!

We are about to close registration for this live business and lifestyle workshop that is all about teaching you how we have created beautiful, intentional and profitable workshops for years! Live events have transformed our business! Two spots are open for this June workshop.   Over the past 14 + years we have gathered others […]

Free Art Video | Creating a Color Wheel with Marian Parsons

This is free video with Marian Parsons taken from her course The Atelier. This is a two part video with 65 minutes of content. Join Marian as she invites us to play with paints, exercise with color and value, and show us a beautiful world of color wheel making.  You will find yourself immersed in her […]

The Jeanne Oliver Podcast Episode Forty Nine | Home Love + Nesting with Deanne Fitzpatrick

    In this episode, I am talking with artist, author, and teacher Deanne Fitzpatrick. For 6 podcasts we are doing something really special and different. Deanne and I have each chosen three topics that are relevant to us right now. These talks are between two friends that cherish the heart of the other and […]

The Wait is Over | Instant Access to Poets + Misfits

Do you see beauty all around you? Do you gather words, nature, and objects that others toss aside? Do you create to bring new ideas to life and to also calm the stirrings inside of you? Are you open to what is and what can be? You are a poet! In this course we will […]

The Jeanne Oliver Podcast Episode Forty Eight | Keeping a Light with Deanne Fitzpatrick

    In this episode, I am talking with artist, author, and teacher Deanne Fitzpatrick. For 6 podcasts we are doing something really special and different. Deanne and I have each chosen three topics that are relevant to us right now. These talks are between two friends that cherish the heart of the other and […]

Back in Stock | Natural Drawing Pigments

We love working with artisans to bring you gorgeous products that enrich your art. life and home. We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with Wallace Seymour to offer you natural drawing pigments sourced from all over Europe. This is a product that I personally wanted to use myself in my own work and after […]

Heading to Round Top, Texas | My Favorites

  I have been enjoying the spring and fall antiques shows in Round Top, Texas for the past five years. This show has been going on for fifty years so I am definitely a newbie! I have also been blessed to have book signings, teach a live art workshop and also speak at The Gathering […]

The Jeanne Oliver Podcast Episode Forty Seven | Authenticity with Deanne Fitzpatrick

    In this episode, Jeanne is talking with artist, author, and teacher Deanne Fitzpatrick. For 6 podcasts we are doing something really special and different. Deanne and I have each chosen three topics that are relevant to us right now. These talks are between two friends that cherish the heart of the other and […]

Poets + Misfits with Jeanne Oliver | Begins in 11 Days!

Do you see beauty all around you? Do you gather words, nature, and objects that others toss aside? Do you create to bring new ideas to life and to also calm the stirrings inside of you? Are you open to what is and what can be? You are a poet! In this course we will […]

An Artist Studio | With Stephanie Lee

As a creative, one of my favorite things in the world is to step into the creative space of another. I love when an artist shares their space, how they use it, a peek into their favorite tools and even what they are currently working on. I hope you will join me for the brand […]

The Jeanne Oliver Podcast Episode Forty Six | Seasons with Deanne Fitzpatrick

    In this episode, Jeanne is talking with artist, author, and teacher Deanne Fitzpatrick. For 6 podcasts we are doing something really special and different. Deanne and I have each chosen three topics that are relevant to us right now. These talks are between two friends that cherish the heart of the other and […]

The Inspired Line with Zane Prater | Registration Open

I have been captivated by the works on paper and also the murals of Zane Prater for years now. His mastery of line and his ability to bring emotion to the viewer is one of my favorite aspects of his work. I have had the joy of seeing some of his large mural work up […]

Free Art Video | Texture with Plaster Gauze with Stephanie Lee

This is free video with Stephanie Lee taken from her course Textural Minimalism. This is a two part video with 17 minutes of content. Join Stephanie Lee as she prepares multiple substrates using foam board and plaster gauze.  With simple tools you will learn how to create unique substrates full of texture and layers. Learn […]

The Jeanne Oliver Podcast Episode Forty Five | Beauty Chasers with Deanne Fitzpatrick

    In this episode, Jeanne is talking with artist, author, and teacher Deanne Fitzpatrick. For 6 podcasts we are doing something really special and different. Deanne and I have each chosen three topics that are relevant to us right now. These talks are between two friends that cherish the heart of the other and […]

Natural Drawing Pigments | Now in the Shop!

We love working with artisans to bring you gorgeous products that enrich your art. life and home. We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with Wallace Seymour to offer you natural drawing pigments sourced from all over Europe. This is a product that I personally wanted to use myself in my own work and after […]

March Round-Up | Free Beauty Found on the Internet

I am constantly in awe of the beauty that is all around me if I have my eyes open to it. Sometimes I find it snuggled up watching a movie with my kids, watching our daughter come home from college just to go to the Daddy Daughter Ball where she is the oldest daughter there, […]

The Jeanne Oliver Podcast Episode Forty Four | Midlife and Creativity with Deanne Fitzpatrick

    In this episode, Jeanne is talking with artist, author, and teacher Deanne Fitzpatrick. For 6 podcasts we are doing something really special and different. Deanne and I have each chosen three topics that are relevant to us right now. These talks are between two friends that cherish the heart of the other and […]

Poets + Misfits with Jeanne Oliver |Registration Open

Do you see beauty all around you? Do you gather words, nature, and objects that others toss aside? Do you create to bring new ideas to life and to also calm the stirrings inside of you? Are you open to what is and what can be? You are a poet! In this course we will […]

My Top Ten Tips For Creating a Cozy and Authentic Home

  I believe spaces should be used well, beauty should not be saved just for company and home should reflect the hearts that live there and not just the trends we see around us. I am not a designer but putting home together has been my heart for as long as I can remember. Once […]