JO Blog
Tiggy & Grace {Let me introduce you}
{Photo source Lissa Whitlock} Tiggy & Grace. The name alone makes me smile. Not too different than the friend behind this new business and adventure. {Photo source Lissa Whitlock} Kimberly Taylor has such a beautiful style whether she is practicing her photography, making a meal for her family, feeding her chickens or caring for her […]
November 16, 2012 -
Living Room Redo {Shop My Own House}
I can’t tell you how much I have loved doing the Creatively Made Home e-course. It has been so fun to play with my home and to share my love of family and home with others. I thought you all would like to see some of the photos I took this week for one of […]
November 13, 2012 -
My Cup Runneth Over {the perfect break at the perfect time}
My Grandma Jeanne would look around the room at her large family, raise her glass, smile and then say, “My cup runneth over”. That is all she needed to say. We knew exactly what she meant and we felt the same thing. It was an abundance of heart and love. It was that overflowing abundance […]
November 9, 2012 -
The 12 Artsy Ornaments of Christmas {No. 2}
I am so excited to tell you that I am a teacher again in Christy Tomlinson’s “The 12 Artsy Ornaments of Christmas No. 2”. Last year I had so much fun teaching in the course and seeing all the gorgeous ornaments, decor and gifts that all the teachers came up with! I love Thanksgiving so […]
November 7, 2012 -
30% Off Your Total Order {Happy Fall}
Through this weekend only receive 30% off your total order in the SHOP. Use the code FALL30 at checkout for your discount. Have a wonderful weekend!
November 2, 2012 -
Creating a Cozy Home {Part II}
Obviously I like writing about this because I am back for more:-) My last post was supposed to be longer but I needed to make dinner for my family. I thought it would be weird to tell them to go make themselves a sandwich while I write about creating a cozy home. So….here is the […]
October 31, 2012 -
Making a Cozy Home {time to cuddle up}
I know I am not alone when I say that the cooler weather inspires and encourages me to love on my home more. The leaves falling and the cooler days and nights just make everything just a bit more cozy. I love having a cozy home and making my family feel warm and loved. Sometimes […]
October 29, 2012 -
Falling Leaves {and all the goodness of fall}
I adore fall. It is my favorite season with spring a close second. The crisp air, the leaves crunching under your feet, big pots of something good on the stove, apple picking, apple cider, loving on my home more…it is all so good. It is too short though. Maybe that is why I cherish it […]
October 25, 2012 -
The Last Sneak Peek {Tomorrow it begins}
It has been so easy to jump up and down and tell you all about the four other hosts of Creatively Made Home. In fact, I smiled the whole time I wrote about them. Kimberly Taylor Sara Duckett Jennifer Rizzo Tracey Leber It is a little harder when it comes to yourself and maybe that […]
October 21, 2012 -
How Do You See Your Home? {early morning perspective}
{All photos were taken early in the morning before anyone else was awake} ** How do you see your home? Many times we see our home for what it isn’t and not all that it is. That is one of the main reasons I wanted to create the course Creatively Made Home. It certainly wasn’t […]
October 19, 2012 -
The Beauty of France {Sneak Peek}
I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing weekend. We took the children to the Littleton Historical Museum and they made apple cider, saw the animals, ate pumpkin pie, took a wagon ride and picked out their pumpkins to carve. I can’t wait to show you the photos because it is like stepping […]
October 15, 2012 -
Training {in all kinds of areas}
I woke up last week seeing an image of a hamster running on a wheel. I knew that was me. I knew that the Lord was trying to tell me something…some obvious and a few other things took me an extra week to hear. I am a doer. Good and bad. I don’t ask for […]
October 12, 2012 -
Modern Antiquity {sneak peek}
Are you getting more excited with each sneak peek I post? I know I am! I love all the emails I am getting from all of you that are so eager for Creatively Made Home (CMH) to begin! I have shared a peek into the “farm to table” style of Kimberly Taylor HERE. I have […]
October 10, 2012 -
HGTV {sneak peek}
HGTV. THAT is Jennifer Rizzo! I am not even joking. She brings crafty goodness to Creatively Made Home. She is the girl that walks through Jo Ann Fabrics, sees jute ribbon, imagines a jute basket….and then makes it! I have told you before how creative Jen is. Her brain is constantly going and her creativity flows […]
October 8, 2012 -
Being In The Moment {Instagram, Paris and Normandy}
While I was in Paris and Normandy I found myself reaching for my iPhone more and more. With my camera phone, Instagram, fun filters and editing it is so easy to capture moments and love the results. I find that my kids smile more with the camera phone, I can take photos of myself and […]
October 5, 2012 -
All Kinds of Good Stuff
It is that time of year again! It is our annual PRINT SALE! This only happens once a year and it is big! All prints are 50% off for this week only. (and this price includes shipping too) Amazing price and a good time to stock up for Christmas, birthday presents and yourself:-) Go HERE […]
October 3, 2012 -
Farm To Table {Sneak Peek}
I am sure you all know someone that you admire how they can make so many things look easy. Maybe even effortless. I believe that when we see someone in their element that is when we see an effortlessness. It doesn’t mean they haven’t practiced or worked hard. They have most likely taken their natural […]
October 1, 2012 -
End of Week Ramblings
I wanted to give you all a few quick updates about where you can find us lately. We are so excited that you can now get iphone skins, covers, wrapped canvases of my art etc. at Society 6! I hope you pop on over and see the really fun and beautiful new items we get […]
September 27, 2012 -
Paris {Day Two}
I thought going to bed with the windows open and listening to the sound of the busy cafes below was pure music…. Waking up to the sound of the street coming alive was even better. As we were getting ready for our day we could hear the streets being swept, carts being rolled out, children […]
September 25, 2012 -
Paris {Day One}
When you touch down in another country you are most likely dealing with exhaustion, excitement and coffee shakes all at the same time. You may also be walking around in a state of tired delusion. That was us the first day. We flew through the night and landed at 8am Paris time. We dropped our […]
September 19, 2012 -
Back from France {Giveaway Winners Announced}
This is my first day back home after being in France for the past two weeks. I feel like I am coming out of a France fog. It is really hard to believe what I just go to experience and that so many people that I love helped make it possible. My mom drove from […]
September 17, 2012 -
Our Love Story {Part Two}
{while we were dating in 1998} My last post shared about My Love Story {Part One}. This post was originally posted on February 14, 2011 It tells of love almost at first site, a quick engagement and a marriage 8 months after we met. It talked about complete peace on our wedding day. I knew […]
September 14, 2012 -
Our Love Story {Part One}
Since I am off with my husband celebrating my 40th birthday and an early 14th year anniversary I thought it would be fun to share our story. This post was originally posted on October 12, 2010 My love story began like so many….in a bar:-) OK…it was a restaurant too…which my mom always likes to […]
September 10, 2012 -
Play House With Me {and we have a giveaway}
Today is the official launch of Creatively Made Home! So many awesome, fun, beautiful projects and videos are underway and I thought it was about time that we celebrated all of the goodness coming out of our next e-course! I am hooked on e-courses because… *The connection I get to have with all of you […]
September 4, 2012 -