JO Blog

Top 6 Social Media Tips For Creating Balance {For Home and Business}

(These photos have nothing to do with the post but what fun is a post without photos? I thought you would understand.) When you are a stay at home mom, homeschooler and entrepreneur with a home office… your worlds start to collide. There are days that without everything right here at home I know I […]

Who and What Are You Pulled Towards?

  I used to think that my interests, gifts and passions were random. To be honest it has taken me many years to realize that my interests, gifts and passions are not an accident at all. Sometimes I have let a day get away from me as I think back to growing up and I […]

Creativity Takes Courage {Alisa Burke}

For those of you that are new to the blog I want to tell you a little bit about the free series. My creative network offers free videos, new online courses, live “chats” and now interviews with courageous lovelies from around the world. Over the past two years I have had the opportunity to interview […]

Step by Step Kitchen Cabinet Painting With Annie Sloan Chalk Paint

One of the questions I get asked the most is regarding how I painted our kitchen cabinets and what do I think of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. I have waited until now to share my opinion because I thought we needed to really live with the cabinets to see how they wore with daily use […]

Is The World Your Studio? {a glimpse into Savannah}

A few years ago when I came up with the concept behind The Living Studio I had hopes of traveling with women, connecting with different cities and creating outside the studio. My heart’s desire was to encourage women to get out of their comfort zone and to implement daily practicing. I wanted us to become […]

Is It You?

I bet you thought I forgot? I almost did:-) The winner of the Studying Under the Masters III giveaway is… michelletempletonart commented: February 23, 2015 at 4:16 pm (Edit) I am inspired by all the artists and makers who are balancing motherhood with their creative practice. I’m already registered for this and really looking forward […]

Guess Who Is Teaching a One Day Denver Workshop?

You girls close to Denver are just about to make your summer WAY more fun! This August I am hosting one of my closest friends and artist extraordinaire for a one day workshop in Denver! Join Danielle Donaldson in one of the most inspiring spaces and learn how to make the cover image of her […]

The Official Launch of Studying Under The Masters III {a huge giveaway too}

Good Morning! I am excited to announce the teachers for the next and LAST Studying Under The Masters online course. This next Studying Under The Masters will include not only some of your favorite artists but some of your favorite art forms! Look at this incredible lineup!  Studying Under The Masters III will focus on […]

Creativity Takes Courage {Cat Bude}

*** For those of you that are new to the blog I want to tell you a little bit about the free series. My creative network offers free videos, new online courses, live “chats” and now interviews with courageous lovelies from around the world. Over the past two years I have had the opportunity to […]

Learning Well | An Essentials Course To Homeschooling

I am beyond proud to announce that registration has just opened for Learning Well | An Essentials Course To Homeschooling! Few things are as close to my heart and my day to day life as homeschooling. Alicia Hutchinson will be leading you in this one week online course! This one week course is $46. The […]

How We Celebrate Valentine’s Day {and a huge giveaway}

  I think when it comes to Valentine’s Day we are pretty chill around here. Maybe it is because I don’t like people telling me what to do and when to do it.  I can be annoying like that.  When it comes to LOVE…I am all over that!     We are quirky, may dance […]

Learn From a Designer {Sew Simple. Sew Fun}

You know when you just instantly connect with a person, a style and a brand? That is how I felt the first time I saw the product photos of Bink and Boo. I am a huge lover of vintage fabric and finding new ways to reuse vintage elements in my own products. She is on […]

Lost and Found: An Art Class Coming To Denver

Good Morning! I have another local art class that I get to share with you and that makes me giddy happy. This allows local girls and even girls from out of town to attend at an amazing price. I am honored to have been asked by Holly Kuhn of Old Glory Antiques to teach at […]

Just Dreaming About It Won’t Get You There

In the new year there can be long lists of dreams for the year and maybe even a yearly bucket list.  What I have found to be true is that me just dreaming about something has never led to the actual doing and experiencing.  If I want to learn something, go somewhere, spend time with […]

Creativity Takes Courage {Danielle Burkleo}

*** For those of you that are new to the blog I want to tell you a little bit about the free series. My creative network offers free videos, new online courses, live “chats” and now interviews with courageous lovelies from around the world. Over the past two years I have had the opportunity to […]

Don’t Let Lies Define Your Identity {Boxes aren’t for you}

While I was growing up I went to a Christian high school that gave out a “Christian Character Award” each year. I didn’t understand it even back then but I sure as heck knew I wasn’t going to get it. I always loved Jesus but I talked too much in class, doodled when I should […]

You+Me+Art=Next Weekend?

For all of you that have been asking for a local Colorado art class I am excited to share this! I will be teaching at the Vintage Whites Market on January 10, 2015. Join me for one day as we bring your stories to life through sketching, charcoal, acrylic paints, vintage book covers and words. […]

heART Journal Magazine {I am on the cover and I also made an art video}

Good Morning! I hope you are all having a beautiful start to 2015. I wanted to pop on over here and let you know that my article, images and videos (that I made just for you guys) was just launched at heART Journal Magazine! I share a technique article how to make the journal pages […]

CreativeGIRL: Storybooks and Studious Girls Has Just Launched!

Good Morning and Happy New Year! We are celebrating 2015 with the launch of artist Danielle Donaldson’s brand new class CreativeGIRL: Storybooks and Studious Girls!  Danielle had one of the most popular and loved watercolor and mixed media classes of 2014 on the Jeanne Oliver Creative Network and we are thrilled to have her teaching […]

I Feel The Changes Coming {Do You?}

A new year is upon us! It is always crazy and amazing that we get to be a part of this beautiful life and what we choose to do with our days. I waste many. I makes others full of goodness. I have felt a change coming for awhile now and I love how everything […]

50% off our online art and lifestyle classes {48 hours only}

Good Morning! For the next 48 hours over 20 of the art and lifestyle online courses* on will be 50% off.  This only happens twice a year and it is a wonderful time to get some classes you have had your eye on.  I love starting my new year will new art and lifestyle […]

Creativity Takes Courage {Stephanie Holden}

The next Creativity Takes Courage interview begins right now… *** For those of you that are new to the blog I want to tell you a little bit about the free series. My creative network offers free videos, new online courses, live “chats” and now interviews with courageous lovelies from around the world. Over the […]

Last Minute Gifts For Creatives

I hope you are all having a beautiful month of preparing your hearts and homes for Christmas! We still have a few gifts that we want to get today and then start getting everything wrapped up and ready for Christmas morning. If you are a creative or you have a special person on your list […]

I Am Teaching At The Vintage Whites Market {this is for you Colorado girls}

For all of you that have been asking for a local Colorado art class I am excited to share this! I will be teaching at the Vintage Whites Market on January 10, 2015. Join me for one day as we bring your stories to life through sketching, charcoal, acrylic paints, vintage book covers and words. […]