JO Blog

How To Celebrate a Fall Evening in Style {Welcome to NaDa Farm}

There are some that have things that they could possibly take for granted because they don’t realize how precious it is. Then there are those that completely understand the gem they have in their hands and they love on it, nurture it and create something even more lovely…that is NaDa Farm. I grew up in […]

Old Roads {and making room for the new ones}

Dinner was on the table at the farm and my children were nowhere to be found. My brother obligingly set off to find them. I also went out to check on their progress of pulling themselves away from the freedom and wonder of the farm….to obey. All three of them were running down the country […]

You Have To See This New Collection…

…My dear friend, Jennifer Rizzo, just launched her Vintage Tea Collection and it is so beautiful! She did such an amazing job and I love all the styling of the photos. I already know many people that I will be doing Christmas shopping for at Jen’s shop. Besides all the new beautiful products…Jen is giving […]

What is your harvest?

We are currently in Illinois visiting my mom and playing on her farm. When you drive from Colorado to Illinois you have so much time to think and ponder. We usually visit the farm in the summer so to see the landscape painted in golds, yellows, reds and orange was a treat. Field after field […]

Creatively Made {registration is open}

I am offering an early registration special of $39! The price will return to $49 November 1. Register early and save!        

All Kinds of Good Stuff Going Around

To say it has been busy around here would be an understatement. Good things are happening though. We are back at school and loving it.  I think we are finally back into the swing of it and the kids know the drill. The new collection will go into production next week:-) and that brings a […]

Pass the popcorn and candy {love this tradition}

I sometimes wonder what our children will remember. What will they complain about and what will be part of their favorite memories. I always hope they will miraculously forget all the times I am not the best and will only remember me as pure mommy perfection. HA…that won’t happen.  I do hope the things we […]

Baby Alive {Taking Care of What is Really Important}

Last week when I was finding some photos for Benny’s birthday post I found some photos that I HAD to share with you. I thought you guys would get a kick out of them…. First of all…nice face. Secondly, I had just had a baby and I am feeding BABY ALIVE!!! Lets investigate a little […]

The best days are the days babies are born

As long as I can remember I have wanted children. When Kelly and I got married I wanted four. When I would see a mom holding hands with two kids…and then the dad holding hands with the other two kids I would say, “THAT is what I want”. Kelly on the other hand would mumble […]

Lovin’ Right Now {How About You}


A Girls Weekend Giveaway {Yes, I am totally serious}

When was the last time that you took a little weekend away with your girlfriends? {If it has been awhile…keep reading because this post is gonna GET GOOD!!!} As my children are getting older I have been able to enjoy that luxury more than when they were babies. There were MANY years that I was […]

Last Day {arrivederci}

Thank you for the overwhelming response to my week of 24 hour sales. It was so much fun! I just got home from my girls weekend with one of my really close friends and our daughters.  I can’t wait to tell you all about it! We had so much fun and I am sooooo tired!!! […]

I Have Never Done This Before {Hurry}

Today and tomorrow will be my last 24 hour sales. I have had so much fun offering different products from the shop with really huge discounts. I love how many of you have been taking advantage of the good deals. Today I am offering ALL OF MY PRINTS FOR 50% OFF! I have never offered […]

I am really late on this one! {Sorry}

Today has been busy! We are officially back at school and we are crazy getting the next line together. I meant to post the 24 hour offering this morning… sorry for the delay! For the next 24 hours we are offering you our cream ruffle tote for $46…regularly $62!!! I hope you all have a […]

Can you really pass this by?? {24 hours only}

For the next 24 hours I am offering the Mary Kate dress for $62…regularly $88! I love this dress with boots or over jeans and leggings. Layer this dress and it will take you into fall and winter. This offer will only last for 24 hours!

Today’s 24 hours offering {This is Fun}

For the next 24 hours you can get the Luella Dress for $52…regularly $92!!! This dress looks incredible over jeans or leggings. When you layer the Luella it will take you right through the winter months. Come back tomorrow to see what we will be offering up:-)

What Does a Schoolroom Look Like {Would You Recognize One If You Saw One?}

Growing up I went to the public school through fifth grade, private school through 11th grade and then finished high school in the public school. I also grew up in a small town of 3,000 and for many years I went to the local school. When I went to the private school a bus pulled […]

Every 24 hours {don’t miss it}

Every 24 hours over the next week I will be offering ONE item for a HUGE sale price! Today’s sale item is the Ruffled Messenger Bag! This bag is regularly $78 and for the next 24 hours it is $58!!! You can get your daily deal HERE! Check back tomorrow and see what the next […]

Show and Tell {Bedroom Makeover}

Thank you for all of the nice comments about Maddy’s new room! I have gotten so many emails asking about paint color, lighting, bedding etc. that I wanted to share some of the details. If you have anymore questions just ask in the comments I would be happy to answer them on this post.   […]

Maddy’s Bedroom Redo {Linky Party Too}

A little over 8 years ago we moved into our brand new home. I am an older house kind of girl so a new house means lots of work to bring even a touch of character. We have spent years adding built in bookshelves, beadboard, wainscoting, crown molding etc. We have changed out lots of […]

It Is All In The Details {Wedding Love}

I have told you before about my beautiful friend, Alexis, from the blog Fern and Feather. She is a stunning decorator and her creative touches are lovely and meaningful. I have to also add that she knows the most incredible people and goes to the most amazing parties. Lucky for us she takes photos when […]

Have you been waiting??? {The Ellison Is Back}

I wasn’t going to have another run of the Ellison camera bag but you guys sent me the sweetest emails EVERYDAY asking me to make more!  No joke! So, because I truly, truly, truly listen to you and what you are loving from the line….we did one final run of the Ellison before the winter […]

End of Summer Nights Soiree {In Celebration of Friendship}

A few months ago I kept on thinking about doing something that would get many of my friends together to celebrate how much they mean to me. I feel so blessed to have incredible women in my life. I have wanted to do this over the past few summers but I just never seemed to […]

Shut The Front Door

I can’t even stand how gorgeous weddings have become! So personal, intimate, special and full of sweet details. I loved our wedding. I truly believe it was so many of those things. But, if I could do it again (with the same man of course) I can’t imagine how fun it would be. Here  are […]