JO Blog

NaDa Farm Sale {I will be teaching three classes this fall}

In the spring I had a wonderful time teaching a mixed media art class at the NaDa Farm Sale. This October 7 & 8th I will be teaching again! I am so excited to tell you that I am teaching THREE classes! On Friday night I will be teaching (along side Jennifer Rizzo) the class, […]

End of Season Sale {The Luella}

Fall is almost here and we are beginning to mark down some of our summer merchandise. We do not have many Luella dresses left if you have been eyeing one. The Luella is the perfect dress to take into fall and winter. It is absolutely gorgeous layered over leggings with boots or jeans. The Luella […]

You Asked {I Know I am Really Late On This One}

Before I forget to EVER answer your questions I thought I better get to it! So, here we go….. hello i’m paige & i’m addicted to your line it’s ridiculous really but i can’t help myself my question is…would you ever consider doing a mixed media technique video…sorta like your art class at nada xo […]

My Art Saves Story {Thank you Crescendoh}

My “Art Saves” story was featured all last week and I wanted to share it with those of you that didn’t have a chance to read it on the Crescendoh site. A Constant Companion • by Jeanne Oliver Art has been my companion for as long as I can remember. It has not always shown […]

Surviving {Waiting to thrive}

Sometimes we can hear about another person’s diagnosis and think that because their symtpoms are not ours that you could not possible have the same disease. I have multiple allergies to different foods and chemicals.  If I eat them I experience stroke symptoms, numbness, tingling, agitation, foggy brain, inability to speak properly….plus many more.  In […]

My Daughter’s Story

I feel like I have been through a lot with my health. Even in the midst of being really sick it was only my immediate family that knew how hard my days were. Because of all I have gone through and in the end I am making my way…I sometimes downplay things with my children. […]

Crazy Road To Health {Repost}

{original post May 19, 2010} It was eight years ago. I was three months pregnant with our second child. My mom was visiting and giving me a head rub…which she always does when she visits me (don’t you just love mamas). I was extremely tired and talking to both Kelly and my mom. I started […]

Lights, Camera {action??}

Wednesday afternoon I took off for my flight to Salt Lake City. I had been invited as one of four guest artists on my friend Christy Tomlinson’s new art and craft show. As soon as I landed and got my bag I was outside waiting for Christy. No more than a few minutes had gone […]

Back To School {sale}

I love a good sale. Lately all I have been purchasing is fall clothes for my own children and my closet has been feeling a bit neglected. If you have been looking at all those back to school receipts that you have been accumulating….then this sale is for you! For those of you that have […]

Her Children Rise Up And Call Her Blessed

When I look back on my childhood I have wonderful memories of my mom and the knowledge of how much I was loved. My mom always wanted to be a mom and it showed. There were snacks waiting for us after school. She was there to ask us how our day was..even if we didn’t […]

She Works Hard For The Money {So Hard For It Honey}

Friday night Kelly and I packed our children up and dropped them off with my sister and her family for the night. We weren’t heading away on a romantic weekend alone…..we were heading home to finish getting things ready for the Horseshoe Market in the morning. I am not an early morning person. I am […]

Let Them Be Little {Little She Giveaway}

When Maddy was little it was always so easy to find beautiful and sweet clothes for her. When see reached size 7 it became significantly harder to find those clothes that just a year ago had been plenty. There are definitely stores that do better than others but it is obvious that when your little […]

Galena {I Heart You Still}

Galena, I love you! Blah, blah, blah….. I know I have told you many times over the years how much I love this little town in Illinois…but I am going to tell you again. Deal:-) I can’t help it…. Historic downtown, trolleys, water, huge trees, sculptures, wonderful restaurants, quaint coffee shops, many local artists, music […]

Hidden Possibilities {Do You See It}

I love a good makeover story. I see an old house and see all the potential beauty. I dream of amazing renovations with beautiful wooden floors revealed or architectural secrets discovered that the house has been keeping for years. So, imagine my delight when I came across this old, burned, stone house in the country […]

Local Class {Mixed Media}

I wanted to let you know that I will be teaching a mixed media class on August 14, 2011 in Colorado Springs. It will be a three hour class with everything provided and you will go home with a completed piece on canvas. I will be teaching how to make my girls and even if […]

If You Have Been Wondering {Go Ahead And Ask}

Once or twice a year I love to have a question/answer series on my blog. Usually whatever you are is someone else. I get a lot of emails asking me about business and family stuff so I am assuming that others may have the same questions. This is an easier and faster way for […]

Electric Boobs {and a few other mistakes}

The year was 1980 something. I was pulling into our driveway with my sister in the passenger seat. The radio was on and I was singing along. When the car came to a stop my sister looked at me and said something like, “Jeanne, I can’t believe you are singing that!!  That is disgusting!” I […]

New Sadie!

Good morning, ladies! I am so pleased to let you know that we have a new Sadie for you. Each Sadie is made from vintage fabric. This purse is lined with a gorgeous green linen, a buttoned (pretty cream floral button) pocket for your keys etc and a cell phone pocket.  The Sadie closes with […]

The Details

The Ellison camera bags are back!! I wanted to give you a better idea of all the little details of the bag. These are selling quickly and I recommend not waiting too long if you want one. {The camera bag is a dark grey and the video makes it look more blue than it actually […]

Has Your Camera Been Lonely?

I am so happy to tell you that the Ellison camera bag is BACK IN STOCK!!! This is the final run of this particular bag but there are plenty to go around:-) Thank you for the daily emails I get asking when this bag would be back in stock! I have the most incredible customers!!! […]

Totally Rad {dude}

(Kelly is all the way to the left) I met Kelly a little over 13 years ago. The first time I was at his house I asked him why he had a kids bike. He didn’t appreciate that too much! That was my introduction to BMX. (Kel is second from the right) Many bikes later, […]

Can You Smell The Bug Spray?

Every year we head to Illinois to my parent’s farm for a few weeks. We headed home because we were needed this year…or maybe we just needed to be with people we love. This year our hearts were heavy because of the hurt that was back there….but we still found joy.  We still laughed.  We […]

Summer Sale {this one is good}

This morning I just restocked the very popular Luella dress! I haven’t had a good sale in awhile so I wanted to offer one of our best sellers for an amazing price. This sale is for TODAY ONLY!! (Because of the wonderful response I will be continuing the sale through Thurday!!) The Luella regularly runs […]

Protect This House {I Will}

(pause my music below before you watch the video) This week I went into Under Armour to get some new clothes for Jack. Every time I am in there I love their slogan. I think it is genius and it is thought provoking to me. {Protect This House. I Will} We make choices every day […]