JO Blog

Heading To Illinois

  I will be heading out today for my parent's farm in Illinois. I will be driving two days with the kiddos…thank goodness for car DVD players! I would appreciate your prayers. We are looking forward to walks on the gravel road, catching fireflies, playing in the barns, chasing the dog, bonfires at night and  tractor […]

Wedding Day

  It was so much fun to look at pictures that I have not looked at in years.   I just grabbed some candids that we (my husband) was able to scan.  Because it is pre digital camera and they were candids the quality is not the best…but you will get a glimpse into our day. […]

Get Ready To Fall In Love

Last week my sister sent me a link to the most incredible blog!  You are going to love Design Sponge (if you don't already know about it). The reason my sister sent me the link was the most beautiful wedding we have ever seen. It was just my taste.  Small, intimate and FULL of the details.  My […]

The Paris Street Market

It was an early, cold and drizzly morning…..and I was in HEAVEN!!! Flea market season has officially begun. I went with two of my sweet friends and neighbors.  I didn't take a lot of pictures because my hands were FULL! My favorite purchase of the day was some vintage linens to use on my aprons […]

My Little Linus

One of my sweet friends bought my youngest a blankie before he was born. My kids do not like pacifers (believe me I tried) and they have never been attached to a blankie. I gave Benjamin the blankie when he was really little and he has loved it ever since.  He takes it everywhere!  The last time […]

The Only Vice I Have Left

          All the other vices were more fun when I was young and didn't think about them.  

It’s A Grey Day

I am loving that one of my wardrobe staples is making its way into everything from furniture to jewelry.  I think grey is elegant and warm.  Cozy and soothing. My dinning room is painted a deep grey…..back when people thought I was crazy.  Today they ooh and ahh when they come in our home. Give […]

Blogging For Bliss

This is the title of Tara Frey's new book that will be released August 4.  Isn't that a great title?!  If I didn't love blogging I would have stopped a long time ago.  I am constantly amazed, inspired and encouraged by all of you.  I have cried, laughed out loud, prayed, nodded my head in […]

My Style

I was recently tagged by my friend Tara to share photos of my style. I have to admit that this was harder than I expected. Not hard to KNOW my style. Hard to find photos of my style.  I know they are out there, but I do have three kids and other things to do […]


Many know what WWJD stands for….I had to change it a bit. My husband and oldest son left for California today.  They are heading to San Clemente and then on to Glamis…the sand dunes.  They will be playing with my husband's brother and family on quads and sandrails. To say I am nervous is an […]

Come On Lady

Sometimes when I am driving and a person cuts me off or a person almost kills us because they are talking on their cell phone I will say, "Come on lady".   It is clean…not too offensive…and honestly I didn't think I said it a lot. Now onto today. We were in the grocery store this […]

So Many New Things

I have added so many new things to my shop! (42 things to be exact) I have lots of new purses and bags (a lot of you have been asking for them).  I hope you love the new items as much as I loved making them. Don't forget that I am offering FREE SHIPPING this week […]

Tuesday Photo Challenge

I thought I would join in the photo challenge fun.  I am always taking pictures and I am excited about showing some of them.  I wanted to start with one of the shots of me with my sweet husband.  I feel so safe and loved in his arms.  When I am with him I truly feel […]

Mother’s Day Special

In honor of Mother's Day I would like to offer free shipping in my shop for the week of April 27-May 3! All of my packages arrive beautifully wrapped with vintage seam binding, tags and a flower attached.  I will include any message that you would like.    

Life Lesson No. 1

Sometimes things happen in life that you just have to share….and you hope that your friends will learn from your mistakes or your wise, wise advice! Recently a friend of mine wanted to purchase one of my skirts.  She asked what I wear with mine.  I told her I wear my tall boots, white tee […]

Ooh La La

Treasures that I am loving right now.  This could all change at any moment!   Loving this amazing bag (I have a purse problem) by Tortilla Girl      Always inspired by the photography of Kari Herer   If you don't feel up to making your own poms just skip on over to Pom Love….so […]

Monograms and Numbers Everywhere

I am sure you have seen all the amazing monograms and numbers on EVERYTHING!  I have a few pillows with numbers myself.   I was at Target the other day and saw all these cute pots and galvanized buckets in the $1 section….my children's favorite part of the store (and mine sometimes too).  I thought I […]

This Is Some Good Milk

  If you are looking for a easy and fun read this week go and pick up French Milk by Lucy Knisley.  You will find the book in the travel section.   It is the true travels of Lucy and her mom in Paris.  They rented an apartment for five weeks and the book takes you […]

Silver Bella

Last year I remember reading blog after blog talking about the amazing time they had at Silver Bella.  I looked at all the incredible art they created and envied the time they had with other creative women.  I can't explain how I feel when I am around other creative women…it truly nourishes my soul.  This year […]

Petit Coterie And A Giveaway Too!

This past year has been an incredible journey of creativity for me.  Etsy has opened doors all over the world for my creations to be sold.  It has also exposed my items to so many retailers that would never had seen my work.  Etsy has also opened my eyes to so many incredible artists of […]

Happy Easter

He Has Risen!   Photography from Urban Design  

Easter Part III

Our family has loved the tradition of making resurrection cookies the night before Easter.  I would love to know if you try them for the first time and what your children think.  It is such a simple way to share such a powerful message. Resurrection Cookies   1 c whole pecans 1 t vinegar 3 egg […]

The Cleaning Ladies Were Here

That is why the house is clean.  I really liked to clean before we had children….REALLY liked to clean.  It is now weird when I think back on it.  I would stay up until 2am on the weekend cleaning out everything. It gave me such pleasure and a sense of accomplishment to have everything organized.  […]

Eye Candy And Real Candy Too

I love girl's day. LOVE girl's day!!! Me with the birthday girl. My good friend Julie. A few weekends ago my friend Julie and I surprised our sweet friend Jade with tea at Tres Jolie and shopping in historical old town Littleton.  We had so much fun and the food at Tres Jolie was delicious […]