JO Blog

Teaching {pure joy}

When I was little I used to go all around the neighborhood and round up other children to play school with me. It is no surprise to me how much I have loved teaching my own children. What has been so much fun and unexpected is all the incredible opportunities I have had over the […]

Reverie Daydream {Wishful Thinking}

You can find me writing and wishing over at Reverie Daydream today. Share what you are wishing for!

What is on your nightstand? {let the summer begin}

We will be finished with school this week and the beautiful weather has already proven to be amazing for my reading. While the kids are playing I am reading outdoors.  Perfection! During the school year I do not read as much as I would like…but I am about to make up for lost time:-) These […]

My Heart’s Desire

If there was anything I have always been sure of … was knowing that I wanted to be a mom. Always. From the time I was a little girl playing with dolls, playing house, “sewing” bags by stapling them together:-) or even playing Barbies….I was preparing for being a mom. I think back on some […]

Chocolate Chip Scones (yummy)

I do not bake a lot. I do not bake a lot because I don’t want to weigh 400 pounds. I do bake about once a week.  I really love making fresh gluten free breads and the occasional sweet treat. One of the regular treats baked around here are chocolate chip scones made from almond […]

Product Highlights {of our school year}

I often get emails from readers wondering what curriculum etc. we use for school. Over the years I have come to really enjoy putting our curriculum together…where as when we started (6 years ago) I bought an all inclusive curriculum. I love the freedom that putting my own curriculum together gives and I truly believe […]

NaDa Farm {Part III French Larkspur}

First of all I would like to thank everyone that contributed their thoughts to the post on authenticity. I definitely think this is a subject for more discussion and I hope to add another post this week. ************************************** The best part of heading back to Illinois is the pure joy of seeing friends and family. […]

NaDa Farm {Part II}

My whole family had the privilege of meeting Anne Marie and her beautiful family last summer. From the moment you step on their land you are enveloped in peace and beauty. It is a rare treat to feel that so quickly. They have the joy of raising their children on land.  Real land.  Something I […]

NaDa Farm {Part I}

I am home from my very busy weekend in Illinois. With the launch of the line and then the trip to NaDa Farm to sell and teach….I am just trying to catch up on sleep! I arrived in Illinois last Thursday.  My friend, Jen, picked me up and Beth Quinn (who was also selling at […]

High {low}

Once a week my children go to an enrichment school for homeschoolers. My kids love it…I love it…all is well on glorious Thursdays! It is nice to have a day that everything they tell me is a surprise. I like to play a game with them on the drive home. We play high/low. They tell […]

Vintage Inspired Eye Candy {and a nod to the King}

When I was growing up I thought Elvis Presley was the coolest. Keep in mind he died when I was 5. In junior high I read every book I could find on him and watched way too many Elvis movies. We even recorded the movie “Elvis and Me” and watched it over and over and […]

$500 Shop Winner {YAY}

I know I have been absent from posting this past week…but we have been a BIT busy! I don’t even have the words to properly thank all of you that have made the new Town and Country Collection such a hit. We have sold out of so many things and we have been able to […]

Town and Country Collection {Summer 2011}

It is 3:30 am and I just finished listing the last of the new line! I am so proud of this new line and there are already so many new things in the works for the next line. Big plans are being made….big for me! Thank you for your excitement and encouragement.  It truly means […]

I had to give you peek {I couldn’t help it}

I wanted to wait until the morning to show you the lookbook but I just can’t wait until the morning. We are working so hard around here to have everything added to the new website before tomorrow morning. Enjoy the lookbook and then come back tomorrow morning for all the goodies the lookbook doesn’t show. […]

Quick Video {and happy weekend}

Just a quick, silly video. Please pause the music before you play the video. Untitled from Jeanne Oliver on Vimeo. The summer collection will be available on Monday morning 8am EST. Happy Weekend!!!  

Mister Wonderful, Hot Stuff, Man of My Dreams

I get asked a lot how I do everything or how I balance everything…bwahhhhhaaaaaaaaa That post is for another day, but the reason I can do any of this is Kelly. I thank him all of the time. I just don’t know if you all know how much he does that helps me stay sane, […]

Always Be Open To The Good {shop talk}

I am a week away from the launch of my spring/summer collection (May 9th). This will be my fourth line. In the midst of the craziness and stress I have been reflecting about the journey. I have been thinking about how I started.  Where I want to go. I have thought a lot about that […]

I don’t believe in best friends {discuss amongst yourself}

That probably sounds like a really weird thing to say. Who doesn’t believe in best friends? So many say bestie, best friend, BFF. Those are words I would only use when I am joking. I would never use those words to describe the women in my life that I am closest to. Those words don’t […]

Impromptu Photo Shoot {and the witness protection program}

I told you that my friend, Christy, got her closest girlfriends together for a little girl time in the mountains of Utah. She calls her closest friends “trues”…and I think that is one of the sweetest words to describe a real friendship. I count it among my many blessings that Christy and I are close […]

Art Among The Horses {maybe a few chickens too}

I will be traveling, with my wares:-), to Illinois next month to sell at the Na-Da Farm Sale. I will have all my cloth items from the new line (more coming this week about that), prints, original art and jewelry. It is fun to head “home” for a sale and get to see my family […]

When you seek with all your heart

I hope that this Easter, the amazing gift that has been given, will be truly known to you like never before. Happy Easter! (please pause my playlist before you play the video) “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” Jeremiah 29:13

Laughter and tears {girl’s trip}

I got home on Wednesday night really late. I had just gotten home from a four day getaway with friends. My friend Christy had put a little group of her closest friends together. Lucky for me…some of her closest friends are girls I love too! We all rented a house in the mountains of Utah. […]

Amazing art supply giveaway (helping you show up)

Some of the main questions I receive are questions about my art supplies and supply sources. I know it can be hard to order or buy things from all over the place. I order from Dick Blick.  I also shop at Michaels, Hobby Lobby and Archivers. I use vintage items from Goodwill, garage sales and […]

Just Show Up {then the magic can happen}

I have days when I feel tired, distracted, lazy, not creative. There are days when I procrastinate and waste time with everything but what needs to get done. There are days that I want to be by myself and not help anyone with anything. What I have learned about myself is that first of all….I […]