JO Blog
She Is Grateful
While I was at the Heather Bullard Parisian Soiree I had the pleasure of meeting Beth Quinn and purchasing one of her beautiful necklaces. I loved this one because it says "She Is Grateful' and that is exactly how I feel. I feel so grateful about so many areas in my life. Grateful for Family […]
November 8, 2008 -
Parisian Soiree
OK…it is official….I need a new camera and to learn photoshop. Please check out Sara's site for some amazing photos of the party.
November 5, 2008 -
Did I Just Go To Europe?
Isn't this amazing? Heather Bullard could not have chosen a more beautiful location for her Parisian Soiree than The Mission Inn. The architectural detail was phenomenal. You truly felt like you were in Europe. There was a wedding going on in the chapel while we were there. After the ceremony the couple walked […]
November 4, 2008 -
Fall Fun
Who doesn't love fall? The air cools down, the leaves turn amazing colors, pumpkin patches, fresh apples and the crunch of leaves under your feet. It is also such a fun time for the children…. We got together with friends and all the kids made pumpkins. My friend, Julie, made the coolest Halloween snacks. […]
November 3, 2008 -
Weekend Plans
I am excited to fly to California, spend time with my friend Kasey and take part in a fun and girly day. I know I will be inspired by amazingly talented and creative women. I can't wait to show you the pictures and share the stories. I also have more new goodies that I will be adding to […]
October 30, 2008 -
Started With a Birthday and Ended With a Tic Tac
This past weekend was packed with activities. We started the weekend with Madolyn's 6th birthday party on Friday night. All the girls (and their moms) met at the movie theater to see High School Musical (hence the HSM music on the blog….it will be gone soon:-)). They loved it and so did we. We then […]
October 29, 2008 -
The Shop is Full
I spent most of this past weekend getting things ready to put on my site. I have so many more things that I will be adding this week. Keep checking back! I would also like to do a little give away. Visit the site, let me know what you like and I will do a […]
October 28, 2008 -
Moms Need Sick Days Too
Today is a day that I wish I could call in sick….but I am a stay at home mom and there is no one available to take my place:-( Mom, could you drive from Illinois today and watch my kids? Ok. It is very clear. I do not get a day off to sleep! I […]
October 23, 2008 -
Ten Years and Counting
10 1/2 years ago I watched a man walk into a bar and whispered to my friends, " I would like you to meet my future husband". Six months later we were married, two years later we had our first of three children and now ten years after saying "I do" I would say it all over again. […]
October 18, 2008 -
Southern Hospitality
I am so sorry about my stretch between posts! I never go anywhere and I have been taking little trips like crazy these past weeks. I recently got back from a girls weekend in Savannah, Georgia. I met one of my friends that lives in DC and we had a great time. The city […]
October 14, 2008 -
Happy Birthday
We were happy with two….really happy. Then when the youngest was about three I started to deeply desire a third. My husband was not aboard on this idea. Life was good. We could get projects done, we were sleeping through the night and we were even taking little getaways….just the two of us. So as […]
September 23, 2008 -
My Children Are As Yummy As The Berries….
Even though I was still so exhausted from the Country Living Fair, I realized that we had not gone berry picking yet this summer. Last minute we called another family that we adore and off we all went. This is our seventh year going and it just makes summer complete! We picked berries for a […]
September 20, 2008 -
A Night With The Girls
For the past three years I have taken my daughter and some friends to dinner, night at a hotel and then school shopping the next day. It has always been so much fun to spend this time with my sweet girl! This year the girls wanted to eat at P.F. Changs, go swimming at the […]
September 19, 2008 -
The Country Living Fair
Day 1-The Set Up Kasey, Beth and I all arrived at our hotel after midnight. We stayed up too late (caffeine and talking). We had an early morning getting to our set up location for the fair. The weather was clear and hot, but perfect for getting everything unloaded. We worked all day and […]
September 16, 2008 -
Perspective Changes Everything…..
Sometimes it takes something bigger than yourself to gain a new perspective. Like so many bloggers, I have been changed by the accident that Stephanie Nielson and her husband, Christian, were involved in. Her daily writings I have gone back to re-read because her love of her children and husband is so contagious! Like so […]
September 9, 2008 -
Would You Like A Little Fun With That Sugar?
We recently went to the rodeo/fair and had a wonderful time. We met my sister and her famly and my good friend Jamie and her kids. I had just started cutting out all sugars from my diet and then we go to the fair. FUNNEL CAKES….does anyone else understand the deep need for these fried […]
September 8, 2008 -
Let The Creating Begin
Do you remember as a child how you could draw, write, paint, make up plays etc. for hours and never run out of ideas? I used to write. I would write poetry or short stories. I was always thinking up the next story line. I don’t think I could come up with many ideas today. […]
August 21, 2008 -
A Little This and a Little That
I love playing around with all of my vintage papers and embellishments and came up with this journal, embellishment kit and an altered lunchbox. I love that the journal or scrapbook is made up of bits of my vintage papers and then you can embellishment it anyway you want and it all comes nicely packaged […]
August 8, 2008 -
New Items Are On The Way
I have been busy at work getting ready for the Country Living Fair that is coming up early September. I will have new aprons, dresses, clutches, purses, plaques, journals, letters, frames and some new surprises at the show. My Madolyn is modeling a few of the new dresses that will be at the show. After the show […]
August 7, 2008 -
Unexpected Beauty
I live in Colorado and honestly I can take the beautiful weather and mountains for granted. Whenever someone finds out I live in Colorado they go on and on how lucky I am….which I am. I grew up in Illinois and I have a secret to tell…..I really think IT is beautiful. I just returned from […]
August 6, 2008 -
A Yummy Night
On Monday my husband and I went to see The Police at Red Rocks Amphitheater. We had amazing seats and the weather was perfect. I have been to other events at Red Rocks, but never a concert. I don’t think I will ever go to a regular arena again. I got to watch Sting (yummy), […]
July 23, 2008 -
Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp
I do a lot more cooking than baking. I just don’t take the time to bake enough to really get great at it. I have so many friends that are phenomenal bakers that they even bless me with cakes on my birthday. It is sad how much of the cakes I can eat by myself! […]
July 17, 2008 -
More On The Way
It is so much fun to work with vintage papers. Whether I am doing art with vintage maps, ledger pages, book pages, sheet music or anything else old with character, I love that what I am using has been touched and used before me. My dad recently found vintage cigar boxes for me. In the […]
July 16, 2008 -
Perfect Find
Don’t you love it when you find the perfect piece of furniture…and you know what you will do with it and where it will go! I just found this amazing German printing press piece. The best part is that many of the drawers still have the typeset in it. I have been looking for something […]
July 12, 2008 -