JO Blog

Reflections of Paris {Part III}

For the month of June I will be sharing photos from my trip to France in the summer of 2010. The photos from my Paris portion of the trip have never been seen. I am loving going back through the photos and how they are triggering my memories. I am also getting more and more […]

I Love What Kids Say

Father’s Day is this Sunday and Kelly is always so cleaver and fun in how he helps the kids celebrate me. I sometimes feel like it is hard to surprise him and he buys the big things he wants anyways. I’m happy with new Burt’s Bees lip gloss:-)  Seriously, women are soooo easy to surprise. […]

Reflections of Paris {part II}

Today I will continue with my month long series Reflections of Paris. You can see last weeks post HERE. In 2010 I spent two weeks in the South of France with the end of my trip in Paris. Only three short nights in Paris but enough time to fall in love with the city. I […]

Our Time In Farmland {moo}

First of all I would like to thank all of you that commented in my  Sometimes in the Pain post. I was overwhelmed by your response and also the countless private emails I received. I wrote that for me. I wrote that for my own family. To truth is that when I sat down to […]

An Artful Summer {classes and retreats}

We are busy trying to finish up school and most of me wants to just call it good and call it quits. I won’t. I swear. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I am already drooling at the thought of creating art all summer and creating more with my […]

Reflections Of Paris {Part I}

I don’t know why I never shared with you all of my photos from Paris. After all of my photos from the South of France maybe I felt like you had seen enough and needed a break. I think I meant to show them after a few months and here I am almost two years […]

It is worth a trip to France {just for the flea markets}

Opening my suitcase after coming home from France was like traveling back on my journey. As I pushed dirty clothes to the side I uncovered vintage silver, oil paintings, old French letters. My trip brought me overflowing treasures. A trip to France is not a regular extravagance for me. A trip to France is a […]

Sometimes in the pain {you find your most tender heart}

I don’t usually write about my parent’s divorce. Coming home does that to me. Far away you don’t see the day to day pain. You don’t see the details. You don’t feel the details. It is easier where I stand back in Colorado. Far, far away from where the hurt is.  But I guess it […]

Link Up {Show Off Your Goods}

My friend Jen has a fun link up today. I am pretty lazy with linky parties so I thought I would break out of my shy shell…hmmmm Jen’s post today is all about “Show Us Your Shoppe”. Because we have the whole shop on sale to make room for new merchandise I don’t have a […]

I Will Show You Mine {if you will show me yours}

Hello everyone! Welcome to the third week of “I Will Show You Mine”. The first week I showed you the makeup I use. The second week I showed you what I carry in my purse. This week I am showing you what I wore this past week. We are busy playing and spending time with […]

Summer of Art {won’t you join me?}

(photo taken by my rock star, photographer friend Tiffany Kirchner-Dixon) I have left this summer wide open. I wanted to make sure that we had time to do more hiking (our favorite family activity), work on the house, work in the yard, read books with the kids and MAKE ART!!! Really, really, really make art. […]

I Will Show You Mine {if you will show me yours}

Each Wednesday in the month of May I will be doing a series “I Will Show You Mine {if you will show me yours}. You will also have the chance to link up and show “yours”. Last week I showed what makeup I use. This week I thought it would be fun to show you […]

The Final Markdown

It is time to say goodbye…… to the Elaine, Louise, Betty, Gracie and Lila. {originally $89 now $38} Each of these dresses have been marked down for the last time. {originally $56 now $22} We just marked them down this morning! Not many are left. {originally $76 now $36} Everything is ready to ship immediately. […]

Pretty {For Pretty’s Sake}

While I was in California I received the most thoughtful gift. A woman that I had never met in person gave me a gift that I will treasure because without even knowing me…she knew me. We both have a love of vintage clothing and design. She gave me a collection of vintage collars. I have […]

I Will Show You Mine {if you will show me yours}

Hello everyone! I am back from teaching in California and my leg is healing beautifully! It is still bandaged but almost all of the infection is gone. Seriously….everyone that has ever known ANYONE with an infection has shared some horror story with me. Bottom line…I am so thankful it is healing. For the month of […]

Fashion 411 {you guys really like to send emails}

First of all THANK YOU so much for all of the sweet comments and emails about my leg. It is has really come a long ways these past 10 days! Crazy, crazy accident but so thankful that the Dr was able to get the infection under control. I also think the Lord had a little bit […]

This Could Only Happen To Me {For Reals}

I would like to start off by telling everyone that I am not excessively clumsy. I was not drinking the day when this story begins (at least not excessively). I don’t usually jump up out of my chair to do yard work (at least not excessively). We can now proceed. Last Monday was a gorgeous day here […]

4 Days of Juicing {and I almost ate my children}

We have been juicing since before we had kids. My favorite used to be carrots, apples and parsley. We have gone through a few juicers over the years and even the kids like it. Since finding out all about my food allergies we have gone back to juicing and basically trying to make most things […]

My View of The Week

If you would have peeked into our life this week you would have found us….. Juicing Getting tea in bed Enjoying peeks of spring through the snow Getting secret Morse Code letters Being a little goofy Kicking booty Working on the last book of the school year Writing essays Seeing our Cream Ruffle Tote in […]

You Can’t Do Everything {I can attest to this}

  {image is mine} I love this quote. Today is proves very much true. I sometimes can be delusional that I can juggle a million things. The truth is I can’t. When I try I usually prove that all I accomplish is to do everything half way. When you really put yourself into something everything […]

Lover Of Words

As we are putting the final touches on the new course I wanted to share some of the quotes that we will be sharing. I love including words in my art and it is so fun to put these together for the courses. I hope you enjoy these as much as I do. Enjoy your […]

Spring Fever {and cleaning house}

We are cleaning house. We have spring fever BAD and we are clearing out all of our winter merchandise and making room for the new items. Almost everything has been marked down in the shop. Many of the sale prices are below WHOLESALE! Most of our items can be worn into summer and also layered […]

Winner, winner, chicken dinner {and we are obviously repainting our whole house}

(our video…please pause the music player at the bottom first) I have some winners here! Here are the 10 people that are winning a spot in my Building a Creatively Made Business e-course. Come on down…. Heather Santos of Sparrow’s Journey Meghan of Sweet Pea and Beans Alicia of La Famille Rachel of A Cupcake for Moose […]

Positive Gossip

This past January I went to Alt with Kimberly, Mel and Estelle. I wrote about the weekend HERE. The last night of the conference we were all relaxing, talking and having a few drinks before we all went our separate ways the next morning. Around the table with me was Kim, Mel, Estelle, Beefy, Melissa, […]