JO Blog
What I Have Learned This Week
This week I have learned a few things…… *A three year old rarely actually hits the toilet. *My laundry is only caught up for 30 seconds and it starts all over again. *Never under ANY circumstance get on the scale during your period…EVER. *Having a baby fall asleep in your arms is still one […]
June 8, 2010 -
You Asked
Good morning! We have LOVED that summer break is here and we have NOTHING scheduled each day except to play and for me to FINALLY clean this house out! I wanted to let all of you know that I was so surprised at your response to my Crazy Road To Health post. It amazes me […]
June 7, 2010 -
Free Shipping
I wanted to do something to thank all of you for your beautiful and huge LOVE of my summer collection!!! I will be busy for the next week creating for a local flea market so I thought I would offer FREE SHIPPING on all orders placed today June 4-6th. For all you lovely […]
June 4, 2010 -
Welcome Back
I have a little confession. I am loyal..I really am…but sometimes your eyes may wander. This has nothing to do with my husband (he is dreamy and my heart couldn't sway if I tried)…oh no…this has to do with Anthropologie. I have to admit that I have been a bit disappointed lately with their catalogs […]
June 3, 2010 -
Gluten Free Cheesecake
Remember my crazy dessert dream and that fabulous "cheesecake" I had while I was in Laguna Beach?? After I tried to order it and it would have cost me $100 I decided to search the good ol' internet for a recipe. Last night I made it and here it is…… I found this […]
June 2, 2010 -
On my last day in California we met friends for breakfast in Laguna Beach. We had an amazing breakfast at Nick's and then spent the rest of the afternoon looking through incredible and inspiring art galleries, bead shopping and even an impromptu photo session. When you find an amazing door like this…you HAVE to take […]
May 30, 2010 -
Time To Breathe
The night of the Crescendoh launch party we all stayed up way too late. All us girls curled up on beds…and no…there was no pillow fight. We talked until the wee hours of the morning and had to make ourselves go to bed. The next morning we slept in, made breakfast and talked some more….we […]
May 25, 2010 -
We Have Lift Off
Sometimes you need to grab an amazing friend, make plane reservations, fly across the country and surprise a friend that is having a launch party for her new business. You may also need to get ready for said party in about 10 minutes because you were in California traffic for hours. You may also not […]
May 25, 2010 -
Crazy Road To Health
It was eight years ago. I was three months pregnant with our second child. My mom was visiting and giving me a head rub…which she always does when she visits me (don't you just love mamas). I was extremely tired and talking to both Kelly and my mom. I started to not talk correctly. What […]
May 19, 2010 -
Mama Said Sew
Being that my birthday and Mother's Day were so close together I was blessed with a five day run of celebration. I will not even pretend I was complaining. In my last post I told you that I asked to go hiking for my birthday. We decided to head to Fort Collins to hike Horsetooth […]
May 17, 2010 -
The Best Gifts
When I was a child I never understood why when I would ask my mom what she wanted for her birthday she always said things like…I don't want anything…..I just want to spend the day together….I just want something you have made. It is so interesting how things change as you get older. I now […]
May 16, 2010 -
Friday Favs
Because I love pretty…I thought you would too. Happy Friday. Enjoy the pretties! Violet Bella Photography Pretty Birdie Bohemiennes Ruta Jasiuniene Volume Twenty Five *********************************************** Our weekend will be the drag race for the boys:-), The American Girl store for me and my sweet girl (and some friends are joining us), dinner with […]
May 14, 2010 -
Wanderlust! Do you get it? Do you travel to different towns, states or countries and then come home and dream about living there? I know in my soul I am a gypsy. I could move every few years and love it. I would miss my friends but I also love meeting new people. I have […]
May 12, 2010 -
Opened Doors
Sometimes you know that doors will begin to open and you just don't know what those doors will look like. Sometimes you wonder if you will recognize these opportunities and especially if you will be ready for them. Will you be brave? ********************************* About four months ago I was checking my email in bed…like […]
May 10, 2010 -
And The Winner Is……
“I bought my bag!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!! I can’t wait for it to arrive. Since I love it (and you) so much, I posted your store to my blog and Facebook!!! I want more!!!!!“ So Miss Maija Lepore…you are the winner of the $200 gift certificate to my shop. Maija…just go ahead and start […]
May 8, 2010 -
A Few More
I wanted to remind you that you have a FEW MORE days to enter HERE for the $200 gift certificate to my shop. Thank you for the wonderful response to my new collection. It is so fun to work so hard on something and then have so many of you love it too! I have […]
May 7, 2010 -
The New Collection and a Big Ol’ Giveaway!!!
Drum roll….it is HERE!! Well…almost here. At midnight my shop will have my new collection (ok..I put it up a little early because this girl is tired). I am so excited to show you all that I have been working on. If you have followed my shop for awhile you know that I just have […]
April 30, 2010 -
Artful Blogging
One of my favorite things to do when a new Artful Blogging comes out is to literally lock myself in our bedroom and read the whole thing cover to cover. I think it is such a stunning magazine and I love to read the articles by my friends and meet new bloggers. I was so […]
April 27, 2010 -
Eye Candy
Hello girlies! I am back from my speaking engagement in Louisiana (and I can't wait to tell you all about it). I am busy, busy, busy trying to finish up the spring/summer collection and I can't wait to reveal it all to you on Saturday, May 1 . Mark your calendars. Set your alarm clocks. […]
April 26, 2010 -
And So It Begins
I have known for years that I have been very lucky that Madolyn has always worn whatever I have bought for her. She didn't complain. She oohed and aahed over everything. It seems that things are changing a bit around here. Maddy needed a few dresses for piano events recently so we went to Target…because […]
April 20, 2010 -
Flea Market Countdown
I live in Colorado. This means that all my wonderful flea market shopping stops for the winter. No garage sales. No flea markets. We don’t even have a great Goodwill. So….I have been EXTREMELY anxious for one of my favorite flea markets..A Paris Street Market… to start back up on May 1. 15 more days. […]
April 15, 2010 -
I understand that Easter was over a week ago….I just like to be fashionably late! Kelly took our photo when we got home from church. Sure..the first one was nice…it quickly turned into THIS….. Once we regained our composure we set the table and got ready for my sister and her family to come over […]
April 13, 2010 -
My Little Entrepreneur
I have a little girl that is constantly coming up with different projects and telling me that she is going to sell them in her own shop. The name of her shop (to be) will be Bluebird. She wants to sell bracelets, necklaces, headbands, eye shades and pretty much anything else she can come up […]
April 10, 2010 -
Not Just Yet
(I realize that this photo is blurry…it just makes me smile so I put it in anyways) Your last child will always be your baby. You let them get away with more. You laugh at more and punish less. You let them come into bed with you at any time. You are also really sad […]
April 8, 2010 -