JO Blog

Get The Look {Be inspired and Share Photos Yourself}

Sometimes when we see clothing online, in a catalog or in a lookbook we can wonder….what will those pieces look like on ME? I wanted to show my clothing, bags etc on different people wearing them in THEIR own way. Different women. Different unique styles. Different sizes. This idea brought about my new series called, […]

Finding the Lovely {Final Week}

This is the final Friday of “Finding the Lovely”. Kimberly and I have loved seeing your images and having you play along. I hope I continue to take as many photos with my phone and try to capture more of the day to day sweet and funny moments. Here are some of my captures from […]

Princess {Even For One Night}

I loved dressing up when I was little. I put on plays, wrote stories and often lived in the imaginary worlds I created. Even as an adult I wish I could jump into time period movies and play dress up. I need a trunk full of fancy clothes that can transform and bring me back […]

My Art Studio {Where I Lose Track Of Time}

Until two years ago my art studio was down in our unfinished basement. I had plenty of room but the lack of good light and the chill during the winter made it less than desirable. I would find myself not wanting to work on art.  I would go a few weeks without creating and then […]

Finding the Lovely {Week Three}

I am loving doing this series with all of you. I have barely picked up my big ol’ honking camera because I have been better about using my camera phone. I don’t worry about them being just perfect and I am capturing more of the everyday photos and I love that. Here are some of […]

Hey Girl {I just want you to all laugh}

Valentine’s Day. Crazy, weird holiday. I don’t need a holiday to remember to tell the people that I love ….that I love them. I still participate which annoys me but I can’t not participate. Anyways. This comic that I stole from my friend, Brandi, is AWESOME. So funny! This leads me to my Valentine card from […]

Pin It {and the winners}


Finding The Lovely {Week Two}

I am loving taking photos with my phone so much! I heart Instagram. I love it so much I think I want to marry it. OK..that is weird…but I do like it a lot.  A lot! Here are some of the lovelies I was able to capture this week.   I hope you will join […]

My Life List {Part One 1-50}

Have you ever met Erin from Design for All Mankind? No? Well she is super sweet and you may want to steal her whole wardrobe. If you haven’t met her I am sure many of you read her super cool blog. I met her briefly last year at Alt and again this year. She came […]

Call Me a Blabber Mouth {but there IS a giveaway}

I have so much to tell all of you this morning. We had an amazing snow storm this weekend (2ft) and we all had so much fun playing in the snow. We went sledding a few times, yummy hot cocoa was made and the boys made an awesome snow fort. I love being home so […]

Finding The Lovely {Week One}

My friend, Kimberly Taylor, and I were looking for a fun way to document the lovely things in our lives for the month of February. Since it is the month of love and and we do LOVE taking photos….this is the idea we came up with. We wanted to be intentional about  looking around us […]

To Celebrate 40 {and because life is too short}

I turn 40 in a little over three months. I don’t know what I thought I would feel…but I am completely fine with it. Growing up I heard horror stories of women turning 40.  Seriously, I thought it was full of doom and despair. What do I have to be afraid of? It doesn’t matter […]

If You Were Not Able To Make It To Alt {Let Me Help You Out}

Today was the first day that I had the time to look at the notes I took while I was at the Altitude Design Summit (or Alt). Each day was filled with amazing panels with successful panelist talking about social media and how to grow your business. This was my second year at Alt and […]

Sometimes I Need to Step Away {To See Better} Part II

{Part I HERE} As I step off the plane I tell a young mom how good her baby was. I remember how hard those flights use to be.  We are always harder on ourselves in those situations than anyone around you is. You only know that AFTER you have had babies. I make my way […]

Sometimes I Need To Step Away {To See Better} Part One

I have had a ticket to the Altitude Design Summit for months (Good thing because it sells out every year). I have had hotel reservations at the beautiful Grand America for just as long. I have known that I would get to spend four days with four incredible women. I canceled my trip a 1,000 […]

Where Have the Weeks Gone????

I feel like we have been busy since the Winter Launch! After the launch we went right into Christmas and after Christmas we were busy focusing on the new e-course! A beach and a margarita sounds really good right about now. Oh wait…I would need to find time to workout first because I have spent […]

Because you asked {we are extending}

I have to admit that I am so overwhelmed by the response to the e-course. ****if you have registered and have NOT received your welcome email with login and password please contact me immediately**** Beautiful emails and comments for three days now. I have had so many requests to extend the registration that we are […]

Don’t Be Ditchin’ Class {Last Day To Register}

I can’t believe that today is really here. Today is the first day of my e-course Creatively Made! I am so excited for all the people that are signed up and I hope it is an amazing four weeks for all of us. I love the texts and emails coming from friends reminding me how […]

Winter Blues

The Lila Peasant Dress is available HERE.

Sometimes I……….

Sometimes I ………… Want to run away to the city and explore Wish I didn’t have to workout to fit into my jeans Don’t want to get out of bed Want to paint all day and ignore everyone and everything Wish I were in college again Wish my children were still babies and I could […]

Happy New Year {let’s celebrate}

Another year has come and gone. For some it was their best and for many they were happy to see it go. I know it was a hard year for many. In the midst of the hard there is also joy. There always is. A new year. Don’t you just love a clean slate? That […]

Christmas Eve {Reflections}

{the camera wasn’t picked up much and when it was the lighting was horrible…but I still wanted to share} We all have little traditions that just make special days….special. I didn’t grow up with a mom that stressed out about Christmas.  She didn’t run us everywhere and didn’t feel like she had to spend money […]

Final Countdown {Would Love To Have You Join In The Fun}

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We had such a special day with family. Unfortunately, I ended up getting sick with what all the kids had been spreading around. That didn’t stop our celebrating though.  Christmas Eve was at our house and we then spent Christmas day with my sister and her family. […]

Eating Too Much Sugar {At My Sister’s House}

I am not a baker.  I’m just not. I love to cook and entertaining is definitely my thing…but baking….no thank you! I will buy whatever I need to to get out of it. This is when it is good to have a sister that likes to bake. I bought all of the dye free food […]