JO Blog
Let It Fall
Sunday morning we woke up to a light dusting of snow on the ground. This was a stark contrast to the previous day when I had gone running in 60 degree weather. As the morning went on the snow came down harder and it was changing our little town into a winter wonderland. In the […]
January 10, 2011 -
I didn’t forget {I Swear}
…I just got distracted! I carry my camera everywhere. I take photos everyday. Last year I was really good (for awhile) posting photos on my photo blog and then life. just. got. busy. So…..I will TRY to do better. I can not promise. Try. So, I would love for you to join me at the […]
January 9, 2011 -
Two In One Day? {it is worth it}
I saw this for the first time today and just wanted to share it with you. I hope it puts a smile on your face. Have a wonderful weekend. {please pause my playlist before you play the video} ****************************************** I am offering 20% off my shop this weekend. Just use the code HUGS2U at […]
January 7, 2011 -
Dippity Do, Sock Curler and You?
I don't want to brag but I had some pretty mad hair skills growing up. Rarely in history has hair been so wide and high. When I was really little (before I took over my hair care) my mom would dry our hair by setting us on the toilet…lid closed of course….and putting a huge […]
January 6, 2011 -
What Inspires You?
I homeschool my children so most days they are with me. On Thursdays they go to their enrichment school ALL DAY! Yes, as much as I love having them home with me …I also love my days by myself. Tomorrow is Thursday and the first day back to their enrichment school since Christmas break. I […]
January 5, 2011 -
Shop Talk
I thought it was time for another installment of “Shop Talk”. I bet there are many of you that want to grow your business this year. Maybe this is even one of your resolutions and something that is a priority to you. One of the easiest and least expensive things you can do to […]
January 4, 2011 -
When we were all little we dreamed of being the best at something. I dreamed of being a painter, writer and actress. I was the director, star and choreographer of every neighborhood play…hard to imagine I know:-) I dreamed of showing my art in a gallery, writing a hugely successful novel or singing on Broadway. […]
January 2, 2011 -
We Made It
I know many of you that are feeling just that…We made it. It has been a really hard year for many. I have watched friends hurt this year like I have never seen before. I have watched friends lose a parent, bury a child, get layed off and struggle financially. My heart has been broken […]
December 30, 2010 -
Just A Little Longer
I have to admit that the Christmas season just goes way too quickly. I still have my tree up and we will probably keep it up for a few more weeks. I don't take it down until the soft glow of the tree is obnoxiously embarrassing in mid January. I wish people would act […]
December 28, 2010 -
Unexpected Gift
It is hard to believe that tomorrow is Christmas Eve. The season goes so quickly except if you are a little child….then it drags on and on and Christmas morning seems like an eternity away. I wrote earlier that we were really trying to take this season to think of others more than ourselves. We […]
December 23, 2010 -
As Good As It Gets
One of my very favorite parts about the Christmas season is the excitement of getting Christmas cards. I love adding each one to the wall and looking at all the people we love through out the month. We keep our cards and love looking at them each year as we bring out all of our […]
December 19, 2010 -
It Is Official…
….I have become my parents. I am having flashbacks on all the things that made me cringe or the things that gave us a good laugh…and I am now doing them! I embarrass my kids just because. I will dance around the kitchen and I remember my mom doing the same thing. We sing A […]
December 15, 2010 -
New Art and a Winner!
I had planned to have tons of new things in my shop today but life had other plans. I will share more about that later. For now I wanted to first reveal the winner of the Soul Restoration e-course offered by Brave Girls. The winner is…..number 45. So, I guess I better go and count […]
December 13, 2010 -
Round Two
I couldn't help it! I kept on thinking of all the other little things that I knew you guys would love that would be affordable for gift giving. So, here is my second…and LAST…list of favorite things. Promise. Who am I kidding…I could have another one on Friday. Without further ado…here is round two (a […]
December 8, 2010 -
Being Realistic
Have you ever watched Oprah's Favorite Things episode? I am sure you have! I remember when Jack was a baby and rushing home with one of my best friends (along with her baby) so we could watch it. I have to say that 10 years ago the episodes were a little more affordable. I hadn't […]
December 5, 2010 -
Hands and Feet
When I was a little girl I could spend hours looking through the Sears and JCPenney Christmas catalogs. My brother, sister and I would circle everything we wanted. It didn't matter that we wouldn't get all the things we had circled…the fun was talking about everything and putting our mark on it. Those catalogs were […]
December 2, 2010 -
Karen Cannon
Here we are on day four of the Pay It Forward winners! Are you amazed by the talent of these incredible artists?? I know I am. Today I would like you to meet Karen Cannon. I love the idea of your Pay It Forward Contest! If not for so many talented and encouraging women, I […]
December 2, 2010 -
Peach Evolution Designs
Welcome back for day three of the Pay It Forward interviews! Today I would like you to meet Wyokemia from Peach Evolution Designs. Hello, everyone – I’m Wyokemia! I feel so thankful to have the opportunity to share a little piece of my world and Peach Evolution Designs with you as one of the five […]
December 1, 2010 -
Catina Jane Arts
Welcome to day two of the Pay It Forward winners! I am having so much fun sharing these women and their amazing art!! Today I would like you to meet Catina Jane. Hey there!I'm Catina jane Gray .. i am a self taught mixed media artist,jewelry designer, & photographer living in sunny florida .. I […]
November 30, 2010 -
So Cute It Hurts
Today is our first of five interviews of the the businesses that won the Pay It Forward post. One of these five lucky women will win all the Kelly Rae goodies including the e-book!! I have been so blessed and encouraged by this amazing blogging community and I hope you will bless these women the […]
November 29, 2010 -
It has been a very lazy weekend! We had friends over for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful time. I was pretending that I wasn't sick…but pretending doesn't make you not sick. I then spent the next few days in my pajamas…in fact, I am still in pajamas. I swear I am getting dressed today…I swear! […]
November 28, 2010 -
Black Friday
To kick off the holiday shopping I am offering 30% off my entire shop. Everything in the shop is in stock and ready to ship. The 30% does not apply to custom orders. To receive the discount just use the code THANKFUL at checkout and it will be automatically taken off. This discount is good […]
November 25, 2010 -
A Heart That Is Content {and thankful}
Why do we sometimes have to slow down enough to realize how richly we have been blessed? This thankfulness can come from reading about a stranger that has lost a loved one, hearing about a friend that just lost their job, seeing a homeless man at a stoplight. Sometimes it even comes in the midst […]
November 23, 2010 -
Here At Last
We are finally able to offer prints of some of my original art! Just in time for gift giving (or even for yourself). Each print will come signed and titled. I know we are all busy either getting ready to travel or to have family and friends over for Thanksgiving. I wait until the last […]
November 21, 2010 -