Acts of Service Advent Tree

Acts of Service Advent Tree

I always get a lot of questions and emails each year about our acts of service Advent tree that has been seen the past years on our holiday housewalks. You still have plenty of time before Advent begins to put this together if you think it would work for you and your...
Acts of Service Advent Tree

Acts of Service Advent Tree

For the past few years we have used our Acts of Service Advent Tree during Christmas and I always get a lot of questions about it. Even though this post is an oldie I still think it is worth sharing again! This idea originally came to me while I was watching Anne...
Acts of Service Advent Tree

Acts of Service Advent Tree

Good morning! I have been getting a lot of questions and emails about our acts of service Advent tree that was seen in the housewalk. I had intended to write this yesterday but you know how that goes. Even though it is December 11 (how did that happen) you still have...