Le Papier Studio Giveaway

When I knew that my friend Vana Chupp's new book was out I was so excited for her! Her taste is exquisite!! The first thing I ever ordered from her was a set of cards with the silhouette of all three of my children on it. Everyone that ever received one of these...

Seconds Please

  I was reading my friend’s blog and came across this recipe and knew I had to try it. With all my allergies if I find something that is “clean” for me to eat and it looks this good 🙂 I am anxious to make it my own. My children are good sports...

A Little Midwest Stroll

  There are few things that I miss from growing up in the Midwest as much as the trees! Trees that provided us endless hiding places and shade throughout the hot summers.   Trees that painted the hills with the most gorgeous colors in the fall.  ...

Paris {the flea market}

  When I was making plans to go to the south of France I couldn't imagine coming all that way and not spending a little time in Paris. I really wanted to make sure my time in Paris overlapped with the flea markets. When I dreamed of coming to France I truly...

Fresh Off The Farm {The Depot}

While Kelly, Benjamin and I would sleep in every morning…..Jack and Madolyn would wake up early and go with Grandpa to get coffee and donuts at "The Depot." The Depot is just the local gas station in town (VERY SMALL TOWN) that has a cafe and grocery...

Fresh Off The Farm {coming home}

  Every year we travel back to Illinois to spend a few weeks at my parent's farm. This is a place of pure joy for my children! I didn't grow up here.   When my parents told me four years ago that they were going to sell the house I grew up in...

Out To Dry

  I grew up in a small town in rural Illinois. I walked to school, to my dad's office in town and everyone knew us (that can be good and bad). Every home was different. There were no subdivisions or track homes. Most yards had a clothesline. All summer we...

Paris { the first evening}

It was hard saying goodbye to the Chateau and all of the amazing people we had met. Jackie, Rachel, Anne, Alexis, Chantal and I headed to the train station for our (long) trip to Paris. Alexis and Chantal would be catching a flight the next morning. Anne was staying...

End of Summer Clearance

Everything that is left in my shop from the summer collection is currently on CLEARANCE.   Help me clean out my shop and make room for all the wonderful new items coming in my winter collection….The French Brocante! The closer and closer I get to unveiling...

Time To Date Again

 An average day is from the moment I wake up I am already thinking of all that NEEDS to be done. Clothes are waiting to go into the washer and waiting to be folded from the dryer. The children are waiting for breakfast. Dishes are waiting to be emptied from the...

We Are Family…..

I got all my sisters with me We are family Get up everybody and sing I hope this song now is stuck in your head for the rest of the day! Every year Maddy and I have a back to school shopping trip/sleep over to celebrate the start of school. Our big shopping trip with...

Going, Going, Gone

I interrupt Franceapalooza for a life update. I had to show this cute boy.   He won't be four for a few more weeks and he just learned how to ride his bike without training wheels. That's right….we build them really cool around here! This same...

Quiet Excitment

As our time in Montauban was nearing an end we all rested in the courtyard enjoying a cafe au lait and sharing our treasures we had found that day. This was always one of my favorite times of the day when I could see all the amazing vintage finds that each woman had...

Au revoir

  As my time in the south of France was coming to a close I tried to breath in the details that I was afraid of forgetting. Would I remember…really remember…what it was like? Would I remember the people, architecture, foods?  Would I be able to...

French Countryside

Most of us live such a busy life. I feel like our schedule is slower and easier because we homeschool but I wish I could slow it down even more. I admire many of my friends that also have the joy and privilege of owning land, animals and growing so much of what their...