Week Three Sneak Peek {and a brand new course}

Week Three Sneak Peek {and a brand new course}

Here is a little peek into week three of Home for the Holidays! It has been such a fun course and I am inspired by the talented and kind women that are a part of the course. I can’t wait to create so many fun, easy and inexpensive gifts for friends and family....
Do You Want More?

Do You Want More?

Until recently our Benjamin preferred to sit with Kelly and me in the sanctuary each Sunday. If the pastor asked if anyone wanted to accept Christ…Ben would raise his hand. If the pastor asked if anyone wanted healing for back pain..Ben would raised his hand. If...
Good Morning World!

Good Morning World!

It was a short night for the adults here at casa Oliver. We were getting all of the videos up for week two of Home for the Holidays. I wanted to give you a little peek into week two because it is soooooo good! These women are amazing! {You can still join us} Week two...

Weekend Inspiration

Happy weekend! We are busy getting week two ready for Home for the Holidays. I wanted to share some of the beautiful things that made me smile this week. Enjoy! Early this week my new Avett Brothers CD arrived and how can that not make a girl smile?  *** Just another...
Life Around Here

Life Around Here

It just hit me today that I leave for San Miguel, Mexico in 10 days. Just hit me! With our three week adventure on the east coast and the launch of Home for the Holidays I had kind of not thought of it. I don’t know how I forget the countdown for the first ever...
Sneak Peeks {Week One}

Sneak Peeks {Week One}

I can’t believe that the first week of Creatively Made Home {Home for the Holidays} is almost here! Only TWO more days! I wanted to share just a little, tiny sneak peek of week one. Week one will be all about decorating for the holidays. Besides all of the decor...
Dream Maker {Everyone Should Have One}

Dream Maker {Everyone Should Have One}

I always had the mom that told me I was special and talented and could do anything. You know…the mom that tells you amazing things about yourself and you roll your eyes. You think your mom tells you nice things about yourself only because she is your mom. That...
A Living Magazine {and a video for you too}

A Living Magazine {and a video for you too}

Before I get started I wanted you to see a video that I made just for you. I wanted you to hear a little bit from me about the course and why I would even make it in the first place. {and yes…I have bangs now…and I am really diggin’ them and so is my...
Two New Originals {Available To Purchase}

Two New Originals {Available To Purchase}

Good Morning! I am so excited to tell you that I have two new originals for sale. Let me tell you a little about each painting. “The Greatest of These is Love” This painting is of three young girls all dressed in creams and whites. On their heads are...
In The Jewelry Box {My Current Favorites}

In The Jewelry Box {My Current Favorites}

I am a creature of habit. I like coffee first thing in the morning. I can’t work on the computer without my hair being pulled back. I like to watch movies with the lights off. I have five books at once on my nightstand so I can read according to my mood. Whether...