Happy Birthday

We were happy with two….really happy.  Then when the youngest was about three I started to deeply desire a third.  My husband was not aboard on this idea.  Life was good.  We could get projects done, we were sleeping through the night and we...

My Children Are As Yummy As The Berries….

Even though I was still so exhausted from the Country Living Fair, I realized that we had not gone berry picking yet this summer.   Last minute we called another family that we adore and off we all went.  This is our seventh year going and it just makes...

A Night With The Girls

For the past three years I have taken my daughter and some friends to dinner, night at a hotel and then school shopping the next day.  It has always been so much fun to spend this time with my sweet girl!  This year the girls wanted to eat at P.F. Changs, go...
The Country Living Fair

The Country Living Fair

  Day 1-The Set Up Kasey, Beth and I all arrived at our hotel after midnight.  We stayed up too late (caffeine and talking).  We had an early morning getting to our set up location for the fair.  The weather was clear and hot, but perfect for getting everything...

Perspective Changes Everything…..

Sometimes it takes something bigger than yourself to gain a new perspective. Like so many bloggers, I have been changed by the accident that Stephanie Nielson and her husband, Christian, were involved in. Her daily writings I have gone back to re-read because her love...

Would You Like A Little Fun With That Sugar?

We recently went to the rodeo/fair and had a wonderful time.  We met my sister and her famly and my good friend Jamie and her kids.  I had just started cutting out all sugars from my diet and then we go to the fair.   FUNNEL CAKES….does...