I can not remember a time during this creative journey that I haven’t admired and deeply respected the work and heart of Rebecca Sower. She is a prolific artist with a wide range of techniques and skills that she is dipping her hands in and the results are...
One of the sweetest creative gifts I have given myself is to honor my gifts with practice and also the times I have gathered with other creatives and honed my skills, took the time away and made my creativity a priority. I often don’t realize how fast we are...
This morning Wendy Brightbill began her two day live workshop in our studio and we have a big surprise! Wendy has recorded this workshop and we are making it INSTANTLY available right now for you to watch! 3+ hours, $18, instantly available, lifetime access! ...
I just got back from speaking about Product Launching at the Haven Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. It was an incredible time and I will be sharing more soon! I am also going to record my talk so if you are wanting to grow your business you can watch if you were not...
Letting Go: An Exploration of Abstract Painting begins on MONDAY! Come and see a trailer of the art that will be made in this course… I have admired Wendy’s work for years and I am so honored that she will be teaching on our site and especially love...
I couldn’t wait until morning to announce that we have just opened up registration for Letting Go: An Exploration of Abstract Painting with Wendy Brightbill! I have admired Wendy’s work for years and I am so honored that she will be teaching on our site...
I am still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that I will be leaving for Italy again in four weeks! I am so excited to create with so many women along Lake Como for the first The Living Studio {city art walks around the world}. So many amazing businesses have...
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