I am a birthday girl and try to squeeze every last bit out of it on that day. When people say they don’t really care about their bday’s I do not relate to those people. At all. One day all about me and what I want to do and everyone smiles the whole day...
For all of you that have been asking for more local Colorado art classes I am excited to share this! I will be teaching at the Vintage Whites Market on April 1, 2017. $110 includes admission to The Vintage Whites Market, a three hour workshop and all supplies...
I am so lucky to be surrounded by amazingly strong and creative women. I guess luck doesn’t have anything to do with it. I am picky and spend my time and energy building up healthy and loving relationships. My life is sweeter, funnier, more creative and more...
I have talked a lot in my newest online art course to be collectors of everything around you and then transform it into something that is your own. Nothing can leave me more inspired than a day spend at an art museum. This past Saturday we spent the day as a family at...
Last fall as I was walking with Kelly through the Tuileries Gardens I instantly knew what kind of art retreat I wanted to create. I am not the person that dreams of having art retreats or had even been planning to ever create one. There are so many beautiful and...
Before I get started I wanted to let you know you only have through this weekend to get the discounted registration price for the retreat I am teaching at this coming February! I will be teaching with Mindy Lacefield in the Seattle area. Imagine waking up to a NIA...
Friday night Kelly and I packed our children up and dropped them off with my sister and her family for the night. We weren’t heading away on a romantic weekend alone…..we were heading home to finish getting things ready for the Horseshoe Market in the...
Isn’t it amazing how deeply art can touch you? Within minutes of being at the Cherry Creek Arts Festival I was in a man’s booth and one of his art pieces almost brought me to tears. Later in the day my sister was able to see an artist that I adore and she...
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