In 2018 I knew that 2019 was going to be the last year I led overseas art workshops for the foreseeable future. As much as I loved gathering, teaching and traveling it was the most deep knowing that it was time and I had complete peace about my decision. Then 2020...
You can read part one, two, three, four, five and six. It was now time to pack up and say goodbye to Aistisfoul. Hadn’t we just arrived and unpacked all of our clothes and organized our art supplies? How was it already time to go? We...
You can read part one, two, three, four and five. I am such a homebody so when we arrived at Aitisfoul I could feel my whole mind and body let out a huge exhale. Home. We were home for the next week. |The patio off our room| As we went to...
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four Waking up to farmland, green fields and distant palm trees. Each day of travel was truly a visual feast. Each mile out of Marrakech was bringing us closer and closer to our resting place that would be Aitisfoul. ...
You can read Part One HERE. You can read Part Two HERE. The first full day in a new city usually is full of too much to take in and when you are as far away from home as Africa it means new languages, smells, sounds, textures, colors, social norms, clothing, and even...
You can find Part One HERE. As soon as I was undressed (down to my underwear because that was what I was told) I put on a robe and was met outside the small changing space and taken down the dark hallway with all lights putting off a soft red glow. At the end...
Last summer as we were getting out of the car to head to our town pool I had an email come into my inbox telling me that registration had just opened for my friend Michelle Fletcher’s first big workshop in Morocco. I have been friends with Michelle for many years now....
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