An Artist in Lombardy | With Sara Luisa Pozzoni

An Artist in Lombardy | With Sara Luisa Pozzoni

In 2018 I knew that 2019 was going to be the last year I led overseas art workshops for the foreseeable future. As much as I loved gathering, teaching and traveling it was the most deep knowing that it was time and I had complete peace about my decision. Then 2020...
Wild Awakening Live Workshop | Jeanne Oliver Studio

Wild Awakening Live Workshop | Jeanne Oliver Studio

Join me in beautiful Castle Rock, Colorado on September 29-30, 2017 for a two day art workshop. Our studio is light filled and surrounded by wooded property that lends itself to exploring, creating and relaxing. You will have opportunities during the workshop to also...
I am teaching at Donna Downey’s Studio in 2017!

I am teaching at Donna Downey’s Studio in 2017!

I have been waiting patiently to announce that I will be teaching next year at Donna Downey’s studio! I only travel to teach 4 times a year because I love to be home and with my family. When I travel it is because I KNOW it will be an amazing experience for...
The Living Studio Along the Seine River Cruise

The Living Studio Along the Seine River Cruise

Ever since I have been a little girl I have been a lover of history, architecture, art and I have ALWAYS known…I would travel. I am greatly driven by my desire to learn, explore and to discover more of this world. My family makes choices all of the time that will make...

When Italy Steals Your Heart {Again}

As I was making my way to my plane at JFK my mind was focused on a sick boy at home, camp details I was missing, empty arms that I wanted to be in and just the tug I feel anytime I leave my family. I had a nine hour plane ride ahead of me with the other teacher and at...
A Still Heart and Loud Laughter {part one}

A Still Heart and Loud Laughter {part one}

It is such a rare and special treat for me to get away to create art just for me.  No teaching. No responsibilities. Just the joy of being still. {A piece I created while in Scotland from my sketches of Crovie and a vintage photograph of two women from the villages} I...

What Will Savannah Look Like? {Q&A}

Good Morning! We have had so many questions coming in about the brand new The Living Studio| Savannah, Georgia that I wanted to just take a moment to answer some questions. Please feel free to also ask questions on this post and I will answer as soon as possible....
If you know me at all you know this makes me so happy!

If you know me at all you know this makes me so happy!

It is pretty exciting to me to be asked to combine my love of art with my faith! There are few things that determine my day to day as much as my faith and the creativity that the Lord as placed in me. Those two factors have everything to do with how I make a home,...
Join Me In California {a few spots left}

Join Me In California {a few spots left}

I just got back from teaching in Italy and I can’t wait to tell you all about it and share some photos with you too! Being able to bring The Living Studio to life in Italy was a dream come true and I can’t wait to offer this experience in other parts of...
An Artful Summer {classes and retreats}

An Artful Summer {classes and retreats}

We are busy trying to finish up school and most of me wants to just call it good and call it quits. I won’t. I swear. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I am already drooling at the thought of creating art all summer and creating more with my kids. If...
Fashion 411 {you guys really like to send emails}

Fashion 411 {you guys really like to send emails}

First of all THANK YOU so much for all of the sweet comments and emails about my leg. It is has really come a long ways these past 10 days! Crazy, crazy accident but so thankful that the Dr was able to get the infection under control. I also think the Lord had a...