Traveling as a family has given us the incredible gift of adventure, lasting memories, time to bond in new ways, and seeing the world together with fresh eyes. While shorter trips are relatively straightforward to plan, embarking on an extended journey requires a...
I recently had the honor of being interviewed by Jamie Ridler of Jamie Ridler Studios. We talked business, creativity and home. Jamie Ridler: You teach many art classes and also run a beautiful hub rich with inspirational creative classes. In your experience, what’s...
This year marks our 13th year of officially homeschooling and as I reflect back over this journey I am in awe and humbled by what has been invested, how our family has been impacted and how I have changed as a mom and wife. A few weeks ago I was talking with Kelly...
You can read part one HERE. We had decided by that first night to take the gift of our new home, land, and studio and see if we could make a go at it without a net. We made this decision in early May and there was no net as of August 1, 2017. As the days of no net...
I have felt more quiet and reflective lately and at first, it was because I didn’t think I had anything to say. Quiet in words, actions, and even creativity. We have just come through one of the largest business projects to date, finishing my first book...
This year marks our 12th year of officially homeschooling and as I reflect back over this journey I am in awe and humbled by what has been invested, how our family has been impacted and how I have changed as a mom and wife. A few weeks ago I was talking with Kelly...
Re-post from January 2017. The New Year is not the only time you need to stop and re-evaluate your business and where it is going. Take time each month to adjust the things that are and are not working. Getting your business and your own creativity back on track...
We get so many emails each day asking about our home/land/studio/business/family and we haven’t done a blog Q&A for a long time and thought NOW is the perfect time! What questions do you have? It can be about anything (almost anything:-))! You can ask it in...
Welcome to our first home tour in our new home! Thank you for joining me for the Farmhouse Holiday Series. Come back each week over the next few months and get peeks into our home dressed up for Fall and Christmas. Our hope is that this series will be glimpses into...
[Within the past two weeks we have packed up a home, moved outside of town onto acreage, unpacked, started to make a house a home, went to the Daddy Daughter Ball and drank a lot of coffee] It seems that with the busyness of life, family and business that I don’t...
*** For those of you that are new to the blog I want to tell you a little bit about the free series. My creative network offers free videos, new online courses, live “chats” and now interviews with courageous lovelies from around the world. Over the past two years I...
Our newest Creativity Takes Courage interview starts right now! *** For those of you that are new to the blog I want to tell you a little bit about the free series. My creative network offers free videos, new online courses, live “chats” and now interviews with...
Life has been particularly busier than normal these past months and I do not do busy very well. Busy makes me feel like I am treading water and just keeping my head above water. Each morning I try to focus on what really needs my attention whether it be home,...
This girl is my skipping, twirling, back flip, humming, singing, smiling kid. She is the kind of kid that can get in trouble and within 5 minutes she will be in your lap kissing and hugging on you. She hugs, kisses, loves and compliments so much each day. {Except when...
Guys, I have to tell you that we are in a new stage of parenting and it is freaking me out! We have our oldest about to turn 14 and he will be going to the public school next year. I feel like I am getting one parenting challenge after another and I am making things...
My friend Lorraine Lewis is very sick. I have not known what to do or even what to say. With her permission I am writing to all of you today. From the moment I heard that she had stage 4 cancer she consumes my thoughts throughout the day. I have known Lorraine for at...
Five years ago Cathy Walters took my business head shots. Five years. You know when you keep meaning to do certain things and the time just slips away!? I thought my business deserved more than selfies taken in the car. True. Cathy was over in December and was kind...
I would have to admit that I am probably a little more (or a lot more) sentimental than my siblings. There is nothing good or bad about this but I do find myself affected differently than my siblings at times. When my parents sold the house we grew up in I was a...
THIS GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED Last fall I launched Creatively Made Home {creating a home that reflects your heart in everyday living}. I wanted to create a course that celebrated what really matters in your home…, family and friends. I also...
Ever since Creatively Made Home I get emails asking where I got my Love Sign. (I had ordered the sign after I had seen the signs in my friend Edie and Paige’s homes) This is one of the first things that you see when you come into our home (unless it is my messy...
For the past 7 years Kelly and Madolyn have gone to the Castle Rock Daddy Daughter Ball. I know when Kelly first took her that it wasn’t really his “thing”…but it was definitely her kind of “thing”. After that first time together...
Last Saturday as my husband and I were drinking our morning coffee we started talking about what Saturday mornings were like growing up. It was funny to reminisce on those weekly routines. Saturdays to me was waking up early, heading downstairs and watching cartoons....
My home life and work life overlap, collide and sometimes don’t have boundaries with one another. It is the blessing and curse of running your own business from home. To throw one more thing into the mix…we homeschool our children. In short, our children are usually...
{I surprised my family with a weekend in Denver…I didn’t even tell Kelly} Sometimes I wish I could slip back into time and be a small child that can’t sleep on Christmas Eve with an excited heart. As a child you are oblivious of other things going on...
I wanted to give you all a few quick updates about where you can find us lately. We are so excited that you can now get iphone skins, covers, wrapped canvases of my art etc. at Society 6! I hope you pop on over and see the really fun and beautiful new items we get to...
{while we were dating in 1998} My last post shared about My Love Story {Part One}. This post was originally posted on February 14, 2011 It tells of love almost at first site, a quick engagement and a marriage 8 months after we met. It talked about complete peace on...
Today is the official launch of Creatively Made Home! So many awesome, fun, beautiful projects and videos are underway and I thought it was about time that we celebrated all of the goodness coming out of our next e-course! I am hooked on e-courses because… *The...
The photos will be as random as my words. You’ve been warned! First off I want to thank all of you that left comments on the last post about France ideas and all of you that emailed me privately! I loved your suggestions! Have you ever tried to plan a trip to...
We are so excited to share with you our brand new e-course! We can’t wait to share this journey with you. **************** When I was a little girl I would play house. I would hang clothes on the line, pat my baby doll’s back, set a small table with care and...
First of all I would like to thank all of you that commented in my Sometimes in the Pain post. I was overwhelmed by your response and also the countless private emails I received. I wrote that for me. I wrote that for my own family. To truth is that when I sat down...
{Maddy and her cousin ZuZu} I am a lover of history. I guess I am a sucker for what was and what is out there….maybe even a little of the story we will never know. I love knowing that things have as much of a story as people sometimes. I love traditions, family,...
Snow is covering my town, rooftops and weighing down our tree branches right now. I live in Colorado so it will be fall again in two days I am most positive! There are so many things that we do that I don’t take the time to show you. I can get pretty behind in...
We are currently in Illinois visiting my mom and playing on her farm. When you drive from Colorado to Illinois you have so much time to think and ponder. We usually visit the farm in the summer so to see the landscape painted in golds, yellows, reds and orange was a...
As long as I can remember I have wanted children. When Kelly and I got married I wanted four. When I would see a mom holding hands with two kids…and then the dad holding hands with the other two kids I would say, “THAT is what I want”. Kelly on the...
Every year we head to Illinois to my parent’s farm for a few weeks. We headed home because we were needed this year…or maybe we just needed to be with people we love. This year our hearts were heavy because of the hurt that was back there….but we...
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